Posts by valory
This is twice? Wow they've changed a lot, this gives SM vibes
There's an actual genre on it called 'industrial' :P
Mmm what a great day! I always believed in CY
SM songs never get old
Depends, but staff I'd say
This is so offensive.
Noone is asking him to speak out. Not being actively evil, promoting the regime and not being a hitlerjugend leader would be enough.
Noones going to send anyone to jail for not posting propaganda, the only thing whch will happen is he will lose money and fame. He's supporting genocide of indigenous people for money, thats the bottom line.
Do you have the same energy for pro-racists? Trump supporters? Its the same thing. Theyre also living according to their governement's values. Doesnt help the people who are being killed for these values.
We have different definitions of evil. Everyday I interact with kpop fans, I'm glad these things are subjective.
'the only thing which will happen is he will lose money and fame'.
'Only'. Very casual. Jack Ma was in supposed hiding for 2 months after he criticized CCP, if someone as influential as him can be afraid, its anybody's guess what they'll do to Lay. What's after he loses his fame and nobody remembers him anymore?
CCP has a strangle hold over China, its effectively a dictatorship and they control all media. Do you think they are openly printing news that they are committing genocide? Do you think they'll support CCP after knowing? If half the Americans can vote for Trump despite media being clearly against him, the Chinese can be misled to support CCP with them actively censoring all negative news.
Do you think the American public knows everything Obama, Clinton and all the 'good' ones did. They committed genocides in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and more with the warlords they've had on payroll. Even if they won't admit it, they are also committing genocide with their citizens. But why isn't their supporters called evil? Because nobody knows, US media is hardly going to publish it. Even if they do know, people will still support, like the Chinese who know. Then why does only Lay get scrutinized?
I guess people knowing about China's misdeeds was a mistake. America, and their allies most of all have reasons to let the world know that China is shady. I imagine the Chinese media is publishing those countries' dirty laundry to their people. Don't be mistaken with my focus on US, governments are the same almost everywhere, even in my country. I haven't even voted despite being 25, but if I had something lose, I may support.
All Lay gets to know are the great things CCP does for China's advancement, more than any country's citizen. From his childhood to now, in school, movies, news, he's been told CCP is China and CCP built modern China. Then how can he not support them by that implication? From his songs, and focus on culture, I know Lay is sentimental and loves his country. And that's what I'm driving at, to Lay's eyes, he's possibly the ideal citizen and he does his best to follow its values. And if he knows and supports, he's 'evil' like all the rest who knows shit about their government, which is practically everyone. -
Hmm You’d think he’d deny or would sue if there’s no evidence🤷♀️
Sorry I didn’t know that drawing big brown lips on your face and comparing yourself to an African slave isn’t racist I guess boys will be boys
Baekhyun literally said a colorist remark to Lucas a few months ago
But my mistake! They’re all good bois, almost 30 yr old good bois 👶🏻
These new forums suck it seems mostly the delulus stayed
Chanyeol's issue is complicated, its not as simple as asking whether he cheated or not. I'm neutral on the issue, and approach it more from a court perspective. 'Does this hold up in a court room?' No.
Racist - 'a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.'
That's what racism is. It didn't seem malicious to me. It was stupid and distasteful.
I don't remember if Baekhyun said something, I remember the others saying it though. Care to link the video? Koreans find nothing wrong with this behavior, so comparing them to my standards is a bit unfair. Are they insensitive and wrong? Yes.
I believe dismissing people as delulus without hearing their views is narrowmindedness. Some people like you seems to love engaging in extreme views. You have a brain just like I do, engage in critical thinking more often than just taking it all in as it is. -
I don’t follow them closely and yet I know:
Chanyeol being a cheating shitty manipulative bf scandal also he’s close buds with lots of the burning sun criminals, not just one
Chen’s racist “Kunta Kinte” scandal
Almost all of Exo, especially Baekhyun and chanyeol, being colorist assholes, even worse than your average kpop group
That’s literally how I found out about Exo, i was on tumblr and didn’t check or follow anyone for kpop and yet huge gifsets of them being colorist towards Kai would always show up on my dash, how sad is that. I knew of their colorism before I knew any of their names
There's no evidence for Chanyeol.
Chen mentioning Kunta Kinte was distasteful, not racist. Look up what racist means and tell me how it is that.
They haven't been colorist in 7 years or about that. Also, applies to most koreans, so I don't blame them. -
Nice projection there. I'd say the same to you, you can choose to be ignorant. After all, not dangerous views, but dangerous actions determines whether someone is bad.
You remind me of the quote 'you can lead a horse to water, but not make it drink it'. So far, you've been interested in accusing than listening to reason. You don't seem dumb, so are you just afraid to admit it? Small.
I also noticed that you show signs of a controlling person, why do you care whether I say Exo are good? Are they running for president or something? Why let it bother you? I get the impression I'm talking to someone unhealthy. Or are you an anti?
Even if I said I like Seungri, it shouldn't be a concern of yours. Its not your problem, you have no right to try to silence others. That's what makes you a bigot. If you can't help yourself, try not to bother others with it. See ya.