finally some toxicity back on AKP
lmaooo I believe i'm mostly nice
finally some toxicity back on AKP
lmaooo I believe i'm mostly nice
not much is not an answer , i need numbers
heart-breaking, also i think u're cool if i remember u correctly
no, we've been cured
doesn't look like it
i'm bored lol
awwwwwwww heey long time no see lmao
army evil!! army bad!!! army devils!!!
obviously , guess same old same old
i like that bp have good seniors like snsd around
lol like a stand or poster?
like hanging out lol
sweetest soul
Funny how u mentioned the kurdq and they just made a statement standing wih Palestine
Yeah but we're talking about certain people here. And about colonisation.
Display Moreproblem there is that Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and other countries are all muslim religion majority countries, as well as all other countries, so it was much easier to just move a bit and live in friendly environment
but I get your point and I also don't like wars and any stupid conflicts
I'm from Poland, know from my family history how it was to being "moved" from Lutsk because someone decided to draw different borders... even now in different threads I pointed out how whole west Ukraine should be part of Poland, that's similar case...
problem is that nowadays you can't just throw a fit in Europe over some land which in past was yours...
they grew up there since before israel was even a thing. Native americans also still live in the U.S. it is not complicated. They just want to dominate otherwise they wouldn't keep expanding.
Second it is NOT their is the land of all THREE abrahamic religion. Solely taking over it for yourself is COLONIALISM.
Second the war is not about religion but about exterimists.
Look i also think they should have expected but that treaty was given KNOWING They won't accept. Even if they acceptef the settelers and the U.S would have found another way,another war to keep expanding and acquiring more land.
Look at it this way,u got your home and i came one day and said half if this is now mine anf either u accept or i opress and kill you. Would u accept ?
Bc israel wants to keep expanding and get more territory.