Posts by elleburr
YES! The only exception is Hasuel in Everyday I Love You
Its not even that Yeojin, Gowon and Vivi can't sing. Like I hear that bullshit excuse a lot from people trying to explain why tf these songs are so lopsidedly sung. We all know they have vocal power, I mean their solos are right there. Yeojin was already a vocal at 14, and Vivi has a calm melodic voice that could've fit well with Butterfly but we all know why she was given like 2 lines
At first all I saw was " Yeojin, Gowon and Vivi can't sing" and was like :eek: but then I fully read and I agree! The discrimination against Vivi because she's a foreigner is so sad
her voice is one of my favorites in Loona
i'm pretty sure the hi high line distribution is wrong cause Haseul should be last
this one is more accurate
External Content embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.anyways yeah
oops either way Vivi and Haseul were done DIRTY
I think that Knock Knock isn't really good either. But Likey and CU are masterpieces
Knock knock, signal, and Yes or Yes are my faves truly no one agrees with me
BlockBerry Creative (BBC aka Loona's company) has so many issues I cannot even begin to get into them but here are some main ones
1. THE LINE DISTRIBUTIONS - like literally what are these. Vivi, Gowon, and Yeojin are always getting done dirty.
The unneeded Photoshop - What is this BBC
3. Forcing Jinsoul to keep her hair blonde despite the chemical burns on her scalp
4. Restricting diets pre-debut despite some girls still being in highschool
Like BBC is a lot better than other companies but still
1. lies
2. facts, its such a banger.the best loona solos imo are vivid, heartattack, eclipse, new & love cherry motion.
3 & 4. My ranking: 1. Hi High 2. Why Not 3. Butterfly 4. So What
5. whether it hits depends on my mood
edit: nice to know im not the only one who shamelessly plagiarises evo-evolution threads
clearly no one agrees with #1
but YES finally love for lcm it gets overlooked sm and yeah guilty
Stole your idea oops evo-evolution
Anyways I'll start!
1. Loonatic is way better than girl front - there's something about the melody that just hits
2. New is one of the best solos - WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE IT???
3. So What and Why Not were good - not as good as butterfly and hi high but still very good
4. Butterfly was the best title track (is this unpopular
5. Let me in doesn't hit with me
- I truly tried to love it sorry momsuel
I totally agree with yours! My unpopular opinion is that Yes or Yes is Twice's best track (expect for Fancy maybe) and that likey and cheer up aren't great
during one of the last major wars (Vietnam) there were mass protests across the country what is op on
Chinese magazines always have the best styling
she looks great!
they're going for their dreams
glad they do or I wouldn't have my ult group
Honestly, it's just luck and having trust in your company. Groups from smaller companies can be successful if they are promoted well and given a good debut song.
Agreed! I think debut songs are extremely important. I think a mediocre debut song can set a group up for failure. Debut is when people pay the most attention to new groups and if the gps attention isn't initially caught the group will prob be doomed