RE: Why did Jyp send Skz to Kingdom and not Itzy to Queendom when it’s the most popular show now?

  • OP

    I want to start saying, I'm not focus on the fact I think It's good or bad decision for their health, If I'd like or not to see them there, but why I think they aren't in the line up.

    I see JYPE as an agency that is satisfied with the bare minimium If It means It can be profitable for the company regardless of the fact they are exploring or not the groups' full potential. So they will often limit their opportunies that can be beneficial in the long run for their acts in group and individually.

    For me, It's clear MNET was interested in bringing ITZY, the articles were even using their name as buzz. But I don't think JYPE is interested in boosting ITZY's popularity domestically as a first priority anymore. I'm not talking only about Queendom, but I can see JYPE skipping multiple opportunities for them domestically If they can focus on other events and metrics that be more quickly profitable for the company, because they seem too accommodated with what ITZY already achieved in Korea. That's why I think they decided to priorize their plans to the fanmeeting and japanese comeback in the second quarter over any other thing.

    I doubt It has something to do with people interpretating the show as a franchise for "unpopular" and "fading" groups. Today is Queendom, tomorrow they may be skipping domestic opportunies for ITZY that you may consider high quality for how big they are, because this is how JYPE operates with all their groups in different ways.

    I mean, they accepted this opportunity for Stray Kids, but they were holding their international potential back for years with a terrible to non-existent international distribution, while they were making more effort to ITZY in this aspect even without a US label. As I said, same problem, different way.

    As someone who stans a girlgroup and a boygroup in the agency and follow both closely, I sincerely fail to see where ITZY is favorited for being a girlgroup or Stray Kids is favorited for being a boygroup related to their management there. Everytime I see this I roll my eyes, because I see good and bad points in both (even If in this thread I'm just criticizing lol).

  • I think ITZY would gain a lot from queendom, their biggest strength is performance. It's cute how some users think the company was worried about the girls health, with queendom or not they're overworked, Ryujin showed it in Loco promos

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    Edited once, last by Baeggi ().

  • I think ITZY would gain a lot from queendom, their biggest strength is performance. I think it's cute how some users think the company was worried about the girls health, with queendom or not they're overworked, Ryujin showed it in Loco promos

    They definitely would bring a lot to the table! Their performance-style is so different from the contestants and It would be another flavor added. Also, It's always satisfying to watch ITZY performing, not only because they are great, but they always give their all and perform like It's their last stage. It's one of the things I love the most about them.

    Also, JYPE worried about their idols' health first and foremost is a joke to me.

  • They definitely would bring a lot to the table! Their performance-style is so different from the contestants and It would be another flavor added. Also, It's always satisfying to watch ITZY performing, not only because they are great, but they always give their all and perform like It's their last stage. It's one of the things I love the most about them.

    Also, JYPE worried about their idols' health first and foremost is a joke to me.

    I love to watch ITZY performances, their year-end stages are legendary (well, they didn't trend for nothing, even non fans are amazed by their stages).

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