Hello! So, time to discuss what we would want the second guild badge to look like. The one we already have is in no way bad, but this way people can have more options to choose between and it'll give me something to edit. What I want to know is, what kind of guild badge do you guys want? A funny one? Dark blue (to match the badges)? A different color? Which clips of the kids should I use? I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. Also, don't leave all the decision planning to me or it'll be all pastel-y and girly and I'll probably be the only one who uses it. Reign me in here. Go crazy with ideas below, I'd love to see them. Discuss! Have a great day/night!
Edit: Also, if it makes finding gifs/pictures any easier, I know how to erase the background and add a new one in. It's slightly time consuming, so I don't want to do it unless we're highly considered a certain badge, but I'm more than willing to if you guys would like me to.