When I saw San’s IG I screamed. He’s daebak handsome
post response:
original post: here
1. [+133, -13]
He looks like a Nike modelㅎㅎ
2. [+96, -10]
What’s up with his facial bone structure… He’s freaking handsome
3. [+74, -1]
I know there are a few haters of ATEEZ on post who will try to ruin the mood every time a post gets to the trending page, so guys don’t feed the troll
4. [+67, -9]
Look at his facial bone structureㅠㅠ so coolㅠㅠㅠㅠ
5. [+63, -1]
People who can’t stand seeing him trend all the time sure are trying to downvote the post. Just go fangirl on other idol
6. [+56, -3]
His face is jjang cute