Hello, everyone.
I'm sure you know by now that we're adding album badges and drama badges to the shop.
They are going to be made through petitions the same way we're doing artists' static badges and limited badges.
This is how it's going to be:
For Albums (static badges)
We're doing first ONLY the recent albums by the artists we have in the shop. 2021 Albums and only ONE album per artist. Once we cover most, you can petition for any album you want (old or new).
An Example:
For Dramas (static poster for regular users as well as gif poster for allkill)
We're doing the most popular dramas. When we cover most, you can petition for any drama you like.
An Example
(I'm only using static to give you an idea)
So, you know the drill: pick an item, make a thread about it and tag me there. Once you get 5 people interested, I'll create a petition in the shop. When at least 5 users pay, we host the events (to create the gifs for dramas, decide on one version of certain albums with various covers, etc)
Any questions? Drop them down below
Let's do it
Update: I received some questions about drama allkill gifs and if you should make a separate thread just for them. I suggest that for each drama you pick, open 2 polls in the same thread: one for static and one for allkill. Voters of both categories can pay in the same petition.