why does blackpink not promote in japan if the japan market is so lucrative for kpop

  • YG sucks thats why they could be doing way better in JP if YG just tried somewhat. Does JP deserve the special attention of JP versions or original JP songs though?

    They could easily be selling 100k+ per album in JP but is that worth the investment?

  • YG sucks thats why they could be doing way better in JP if YG just tried somewhat. Does JP deserve the special attention of JP versions or original JP songs though?

    They could easily be selling 100k+ per album in JP but is that worth the investment?

    isn't it? why do other groups do it then?

  • Are they doing the right thing? Well they sold 1.3million with one album without the Japan 'support' so I gues they're doing all right.

    Imo, YGE just focus on Japan when it's regarding tour. They know that Japan is the goldmine when it comes to touring, and since BP can still sell out dome tours, I guess they don't really see the need for more effort. I wish they would though. Having Japanese songs would be nice.

  • yeah I was wondering the same, they ain't even try to made original JP release for once,

    BP japan album sales kinda low (because lacking of original JP content ?) but surprisingly their concert tour over there is always packed.

  • My guess yg is not trying bc:

    - Concept limitations.. when did a gg get big there without being on the cute side?

    - Japanese fans require a lot of fan service something bp doesn’t do, the fans you’ll get without that are already yours without trying so hard with something like original songs

    - the language barrier prevents them from going on shows unlike other ggs

    Your average ggs enthusiast...

  • I'm sure YG doesn't have a partner to handle Japanese promotions, album release and distributions. Promotions in Japan means TV appearances and heavy advertisement, YG logic was always cut the liabilities as much as possible when it comes to releasing music and music promotions, they spend with their brand instead

    TLDR, he doesn't want to invest on Blackpink. The company sees their tour attendances and call it a day

    I also realize in Japan celebrities and singers aren't at all correlated and Japan has a very high dissonance with international markets when it comes to modeling and even social media presence. In Japan if you want to be a singer you need to be a SINGER, being half-time singer who spend the other half of the year modeling on Instagram will not help their popularity at all like it helped outside Japan

  • - Concept limitations.. when did a gg get big there without being on the cute side?

    I'd suggest looking at Morning Musume (a Japanese girl group known for its multiple lineup changes) as an example. The group started with 5 members (Yuko Nakazawa, Aya Ishiguro, Kaori Iida, Natsumi Abe, and Asuka Fukuda), and its lineup's changed since, with it getting big in some years and getting small in some other years (take back when the group had a 12-member lineup at the beginning of 2012 due to a member's graduation from it + the additions of 4 new members a few months earlier, for example) - I see this as an example of a GG getting big in Japan without always being on the cute side (in fact, I feel like their 2014 comeback with TIKI BUN wasn't on the cute side but, rather, on the girl crush side - also, I can say that one of their latest songs, Junjou Evidence, was also on the girl crush side).

  • they never really promote bp

    2016/2017 was concentrated in korea

    in 2018 they charted on bb100 so 2019 was for western promo which they somehow managed to fuck up too lol

    they begun getting big in china too if the kpop ban wasnt there im sure they'de be promoting over there

    if we want bp to get japanese promotions than they need to have a song go viral over or something idk

  • I see the main reason is effort required vs results. BP has been concentrating on the American, and SEA market and recently the Chinese market to some extent. You can't do everything and if you attempt it you don't get the result you usually expect because you can only put in a half a$$ job. BP has no native speakers and they never attempted to train their girls for that. English/Thai/Korean etc... are their language specialties and were they have been focusing and done a "fairly" good job at that. It's not so much their cute concept as there are several Japanese acts that have done very well without the cute concept. E-Girls, Perfume, and for soloists their is a horde of non cute concept singers like Yoasobi, and LiSA (this is not Lisa)

  • I'd suggest looking at Morning Musume (a Japanese girl group known for its multiple lineup changes) as an example. The group started with 5 members (Yuko Nakazawa, Aya Ishiguro, Kaori Iida, Natsumi Abe, and Asuka Fukuda), and its lineup's changed since, with it getting big in some years and getting small in some other years (take back when the group had a 12-member lineup at the beginning of 2012 due to a member's graduation from it + the additions of 4 new members a few months earlier, for example) - I see this as an example of a GG getting big in Japan without always being on the cute side (in fact, I feel like their 2014 comeback with TIKI BUN wasn't on the cute side but, rather, on the girl crush side - also, I can say that one of their latest songs, Junjou Evidence, was also on the girl crush side).

    Interesting.. I know little about jpop, but if you can think of just one group. I’d say the odds are against a foreign act like bp

    Your average ggs enthusiast...

  • tssk. YG is Small minded. That’s why sooner or later, YG will fall off the big 3. They’re probably the only company in the big 3/4 that doesn’t make original Japanese songs for their artists

    But it's working out very well, with bp at least. They are miles ahead of everyone else in china and outside of asia while still being VERY popular in japan. Something tells me we might get original japanese songs tho that can later on get korean versions too

  • the limitation of their concept. They could chart a few viral WW hits there but is hard to get solid support without being cute/fanservice.

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