MACRON (France) <-- Let UNVACCINATED *CHOKE* on CAKE ??? (COVID) ; 2022.01.05


    COVID: French uproar as MACRON (Leader) vows

    to 'piss off' unvaccinated (COVID) ; 2022.01.05

    (Fake News) MACRON visits USA , and spouts -->

    "I am NO LAFAYETTE , But I am Here (USA) ...

    And BIDEN is NO TEDDY ROOSEVELT either !!!" ... :wink:

    (More Fake News) ex-USA Prez JIMMY CARTER greets MACRON -->

    "Hey 'MACKIE BOY' , Y'all Want a 'New Clear' Submarine Sandwich ??? ...

    USA *SUB* sandwiches are a LOT better than in AUSTRALIA !!!" ... :p

    (Note: Mr. Carter served as Officer on USA Nuclear Navy Submarine)

    (Fake News Reply) MACRON -->

    "The *SUB* Sandwich Won't STICK IN MY CRAW , Right ??? ...

    Can I have it with a topping of FROG LEGS too ???" ... :suure:

    Why A SUBmarine Deal Has France At Odds With The U.S. (and)

    U.K. and Australia ; 2021.09.19

    Let (Unvaccinated) THEM Eat (Choke on) CAKE ???

    (Marie Antoinette = NOT likely actually ever said that)


    Edited 10 times, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “New Thread Content Here Soon” to “MACRON (France) <-- Let UNVACCINATED *Choke* on CAKE ??? (COVID) ; 2022.01.05”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “MACRON (France) <-- Let UNVACCINATED *Choke* on CAKE ??? (COVID) ; 2022.01.05” to “MACRON (France) <-- Let UNVACCINATED *CHOKE* on CAKE ??? (COVID) ; 2022.01.05”.
  • well for once i agree with him

    i'm tired of having to put my life on hold just for some random dudes

    would you like to explain to me what you understand because im once again getting a migrane tryna read this

  • basically the french president said that he'll continue to piss off the unvaccinated until they get vaccinate

    Please Click for Another THREAD that is COVID-19 related ...

    And *might* (hopefully should ?) be interesting to you.

    As (surprising ?) advise coming from me ...

    I *suggest* that any POST that you might make it there ...

    Would be done via 'asking' how a FAMILY member might feel ...

    About what you said it , IF they read it ...

    My understanding , is that this event was *extremely* TROLLED

    on many websites ... But , YOUR choice on it (obviously).

  • would you like to explain to me what you understand because im once again getting a migrane tryna read this

    Okay , IF you want ME to try to explain the (MY) TOP Message content in *more* detail ... I would TRY to do that for you ... But , I would be *interested* in just what NATION that you are a citizen of it ... Or at least say , what CONTINENT (ASIA ?) that you reside in it ... Because , people can become even MORE ANNOYED by an explanation that seems even MORE CONFUSING to them (in my experience) ... My Message Content , requires fairly strong USA Political knowledge ... Keep in mind , that around 20% of AKP Users are based in the USA ... And the AKP Firm (6 THEORY) is located in the USA ... And most all messages posted are in ENGLISH LANGUAGE , as opposed to say HANGUL (KR) LANGUAGE ... So anyway , you have to *say* that you want a more detailed explanation from me , in order to get one , is the situation ... Hope that all sounds 'okay' enough , no insult intended.

  • Okay , IF you want ME to try to explain the (MY) TOP Message content in *more* detail ... I would TRY to do that for you ... But , I would be *interested* in just what NATION that you are a citizen of it ... Or at least say , what CONTINENT (ASIA ?) that you reside in it ... Because , people can become even MORE ANNOYED by an explanation that seems even MORE CONFUSING to them (in my experience) ... My Message Content , requires fairly strong USA Political knowledge ... Keep in mind , that around 20% of AKP Users are based in the USA ... And the AKP Firm (6 THEORY) is located in the USA ... And most all messages posted are in ENGLISH LANGUAGE , as opposed to say HANGUL (KR) LANGUAGE ... So anyway , you have to *say* that you want a more detailed explanation from me , in order to get one , is the situation ... Hope that all sounds 'okay' enough , no insult intended.

    no, i just genuinely do not understand dude.

    like my brain is fried after 5 hours of sleep and 8 hours of school. also im too lazy to sit through and try and understand that because there are too many ()*.<--s

    im born and raised in the states.

  • well for once i agree with him

    i'm tired of having to put my life on hold just for some random dudes

    even if everyone got vaccinated...guess can still get and spread covid. Plus, it's impractical and incredibly expensive to vaccinate the entire globe every 3-6 months.

  • no, i just genuinely do not understand dude.

    like my brain is fried after 5 hours of sleep and 8 hours of school. also im too lazy to sit through and try and understand that because there are too many ()*.<--s

    im born and raised in the states.

    Okay , so my *typing style* is perhaps more the issue ...

    And the THREAD CONTENT is actually likely NOT of interest to you (Topic) ...

    I *appreciate* you saying that ... So , I type as I do , nothing illegal about it ...

    Maybe your *best* choice would be to IGNORE the THREADS that I create them.

    NOT here (me) creating THREADS to deliberately annoy you *personally* ...

    I *rarely* get any REPLIES that are about the THREAD TOPIC either ...

    But , SooYoung did find the THREAD TOPIC here of interest ...

    She read the URL *ARTICLE* , which is a PRO WRITER one ...

    Which , I most *always* give a PRO WRITER URL (link) for topic purposes ...

    I would suggest that YOUR time might be *better* spent than to be concerned

    about THREADS that I create them on AKP (is my *guess* on it).

  • even if everyone got vaccinated...guess can still get and spread covid. Plus, it's impractical and incredibly expensive to vaccinate the entire globe every 3-6 months.

    Yes that's right but if you are healthy and can be vaccinated then do so.

  • Yes that's right but if you are healthy and can be vaccinated then do so.

    no, what it should be is if you're old and/or have pre-existing conditions, get vaccinated. Everyone else, it's up to you to make the decision. 2 yrs in, we already have enough data to know that the the people that are dying are the old (65+) and people with pre-existing conditions (over 80% of covid deaths were obese).

  • i never said that, i just needed an explanation, and i am interested in this topic as a matter of fact, and try my best to keep up. though i may not be educated in this matter as yourself clearly, i still wanted to be able to understand and interpret this.

  • no, what it should be is if you're old and/or have pre-existing conditions, get vaccinated. Everyone else, it's up to you to make the decision. 2 yrs in, we already have enough data to know that the the people that are dying are the old (65+) and people with pre-existing conditions (over 80% of covid deaths were obese).

    It should be everyone from kids to old people regardless of whether they want to be or not. The health system is under enormous pressure to cope as it is with people who did do the right thing without having to support these idiots, I hope you're not an anti vaxxer, I don't have any time for them.

  • even if everyone got vaccinated...guess can still get and spread covid. Plus, it's impractical and incredibly expensive to vaccinate the entire globe every 3-6 months.

    The *main* reason to be VACCINATED , is to *minimize* the SICKNESS LEVEL of COVID ... Which , the quality VACCINES (PFIZER and MODERNA in particular) do that (mostly , for most people) ... In other words , your COVID SICKNESS LEVEL is such that you do NOT need to even be HOSPITALIZED , IF you have previously been VACCINATED ... FAUCI and WALENSKY (USA C.D.C) have made it CLEAR that *most* deaths (95% ???) , should NOT be happening at this point , IF one was VACCINATED and BOOSTER SHOT properly ... In closing , I find your COVID viewpoint *misleading* , and even just plain *seriously* wrong ... If that I was running AKP FORUMS , I would simply REMOVE your CONTENT with NO EXPLANATION ... IF you kept posting it , I would CLOSE your AKP ID ... But , AKP FORUMS functions as it does , and I am NOT AT ALL 'in charge' of ANYTHING related to AKP website ... Hopefully , others just IGNORE you ... And I feel certain that you likely feel that way about ME too , no problem ... :joy:

    What USA C.D.C is *looking* at it , would be say maybe a *12 Month Level* power of VACCINE (create that eventually) ... Meanwhile , it *seems* currently that a BOOSTER SHOT *every* 4 MONTHS might be needed with CURRENT VACCINES ... ISRAEL , AUSTRALIA , GERMANY , have moved to the *4 MONTHS DELAY* on BOOSTER SHOTS ... The USA is *still* at *6 MONTHS* BOOSTER delay period.

    The other *arrow* on COVID , would be the PFIZER PILLS (already created) , that you take them SHORTLY after testing POSITIVE for COVID ... Meaning , you need the HOME TEST KIT , and to use it ... Which , well , always 'interesting' to listen to the *VACCINATED* TRUMP chatter as 'YOU gotta DO YOU' on VACCINATION ... To be clear , for me , TRUMP = COMPLETE TRASH (including Jan. 6th behavior).

    Edited 4 times, last by krell ().

  • It should be everyone from kids to old people regardless of whether they want to be or not. The health system is under enormous pressure to cope as it is with people who did do the right thing without having to support these idiots, I hope you're not an anti vaxxer, I don't have any time for them.

    Consider the TROLL motivation aspect too ... Nothing like giving *deadly wrong* advise to OTHERS ... While say YOU , are VACCINATED , and DRUNK on VODKA , living in ICELAND ... And making your 'contribution' to others on AKP website ... (LOL , not actually very much) ... :wink:

  • Consider the TROLL motivation aspect too ... Nothing like giving *deadly wrong* advise to OTHERS ... While say YOU , are VACCINATED , and DRUNK on VODKA , living in ICELAND ... And making your 'contribution' to others on AKP website ... (LOL , not actually very much) ... :wink:

    I just have no time for anti vaxxers, imo they are more dangerous than COVID itself. If one can have a vaccine then have it for the protection of themselves and everyone else around them. It's selfish and should be slammed by most people.

  • I just have no time for anti vaxxers, imo they are more dangerous than COVID itself. If one can have a vaccine then have it for the protection of themselves and everyone else around them. It's selfish and should be slammed by most people.

    Supposedly , the USA SUPREME COURT is going to HEAR and DECIDE some 'case' on WORK PLACE *COVID VACCINATION MANDATES* SOON (as information) ...

    (This is as intended humor , anyone offended , NOT that concerned here)

    Q: How many NO VACCINE *PIN HEADS* can DANCE to their COVID DEATHS ???

    A: Only (Catholic) St. Thomas Aquin-*ASS* knows for sure ... :wink:

    Edited 3 times, last by krell ().

  • even if everyone got vaccinated...guess can still get and spread covid. Plus, it's impractical and incredibly expensive to vaccinate the entire globe every 3-6 months.

    i don't need to get the entire globe to be vaccinate

    i just need french people, so we can just go back to our normal life, and partying with people that i like

    also get vaccinate increase the level of dangerosity of covid, most people who get covid while being vaccinated don't have symptoms and don't end up being hospitalize

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