Dec 31st 2021 #1 FH7FDxSaMAEA5w_.jpgFH7FDxTagAIW8aP.jpgFH7FJ6TaMAcUgTN.jpgFH7FJ7LacAUIfe4.jpgFH7FJ8JagAEvHKd.jpgFH7FOWyacAM2oDl.jpgFH7FOYEaAAEKUcz.jpgFH7FOZAaIAAIAFm.jpgFH7FOZvaMAoFLiz.jpg
Dec 31st 2021 #3 they look beautifulbut this fit ain't itthe whole photo speaks to me with words:"this woman has beautiful body so let's steal it from her by giving her some second hand leftover long clothes to make her look like drunk gf who is standing up to start a fight":Dstl.jpg