So, I have been feeling I am in a toxic friend circle. I am in a group of friends and we have almost all are main(english, math, history, science) classes together.
And we eat lunch together. It is made of five including me. So let me describe my situation. Lets call my friends A, B, C, and D(I know, super creative).
So in history, my teacher loves to pair us up(she basically tells us to pick a partner). Most of the time A and D go together and B and C go together(so they are basically seperated).
While I don't really go to a specfic place. So this one time D and C were together. And I went up to them and asked if I could join.
I told them that our teacher had told me I could join a group of two since I didn't have a partner. D said that I could join and she looked fine with it.
Meanwhile C told me to ask our teacher again and D said that it was ok and I should join them. So I did, throughout the whole thing C was ignoring me and looked irritated.
Another experience is during lunch, I always sit in the same spot and I am kind of isolated from the whole group(the table is kind of split but joined.
I sit on one half of the split while the rest of them sit on the other half).
I decided to sit in the spot where D sat in. D was fine with it but C told me to go back to my normal seat because she wanted to sit across D.
D told C no and that I should sit where I was. C insisted again that I should move so I did.
Now lets move onto A and B. A has been nice to me, similiair to D. We would spent Physical education together and talk about things such as my obsessive parents and other stuff.
And about B. Lets talk about some moments with her.
I started noticing this recently. Whenever I tried to join in the conversation(sometimes already in the convo and giving reactions) during lunch and stuff she would give me a "look".
One time she rolled her eyes and said and I quote "(My name) do you even know what we are talking about?"
This "do you even know what we are talking about?" has happened 3 times this month(last time was yesterday).
I honestly don't know what is going on. I do have some ideas though. This whole thing started recently, in the beginning of the school year they both were pretty nice. Then it all started changing. I think it may be because of this "rumor" going on.
So C has a crush on elevator music boy( one of my friends since 6th grade, also the reason why I call him elevator music boy is because he likes elevator music for some reason).
So this girl(not part of my friend circle but she knows all of us and him) told me recently there was high chance elevator music boy likes me.
She also told me that she told this to B and C before. The thing is, I don't know about this despite them knowing this around a week before I was told about this. It seems like A and D don't know either.
I know that elevator music boy doesn't like me because he knows that I have a crush on his bestfriend, and I don't think he would go back on his bud(they are pretty good friends).
But B and C don't know that.
Anyway, do you guys think I am in a toxic friend circle??