Mental health, illness, disorder, disability or neurodiversity Thread

  • Hello, i feel like it might be a bad idea and this might get out of hand but hopfully it won't but if it does i guess it'll be lokced. @Versatile told me i could make this thread for now (Thank you)
    So i've decied to make a thread for people with mental illness/disorder/disability or neurodivergents people (or have a relative that are concerned) in which you can talk about your experiences/your struggles, can complain/vent/rant, can ask questions, can give or seek advices and hopefully support each others.

    You can also use it as a "daily diary" in which you can write your progress, what you managed to achieve in spite of your struggles etc...Example: "Today I managed to get up early in the morning and work out" or "I managed to go outside and meet people" and such. You can do the opposite naturally, about your regress, relapses or such.

    People that are healthy or don't have problems and want to leave encouraging words, show support or give advices are also welcome!

    -Please don't let thoughts like "Oh well my problem isn't as bad as X or Y person so i shouldn't complain" prevent you from expressing yourself, everyone's feelings are "valids" and matter regardless of their severity.
    -Please be respectful of others, respect their opinions, don't force your opinions/beliefs/doctrines onto them, don't be condescending. Be careful with your words choices and keep it civil.

    -If you deal with self-harm please don't be too explicit about it, like you can talk about it but don't tell in details what are you doing and don't post pics.
    - Do not glorify self-harm.
    -If you want to talk about suicidal ideation/thoughts do it as long you don't threaten to take off your life right away, like if you are in a crisis please call the emergency or a suicide prevention hotline.
    -Do not glorify suicidal thoughts.
    -Consider using Trigger Warnings and the spoiler option especially if you think what you wrote is explicit and can be triggering.
    -No sollicitations here, please don't ask for money and donations.
    -Regarding regligious matters, don't promote your religion and don't force your beliefs onto other. Don't mock or insult any religions. This aside you can mention religion if your issue is related to it, for instance "I'm homosexual but i feel bad and i'm depressed about it because my familiy is christian" you don't even have to name it if you don't want to, "because of religious reasons" is enough.
    -No politics.
    -Do not glorify drugs.
    -Don't encourage dangerous behavior.
    -Report users who cross the line or troll.
    -The thread won't be pinned so please don't let this flop ;(

    So now you can do a little introduction of you (age, gender, occupations (job, student, inactive...) and such) and answer those questions (you can skip some of them or not answer at all) or just write your experience/Story. I'll go first in my 2nd post.
    1) Are you neurodivergent or do you have mental illness/disorder/disability? if so what is it?
    2) How long have you been dealing with it?
    3) Do you seek professionnal help? Which specialists are you seeing?
    4) Do you take medications? Which medications? or do you use natural remedies?
    5) What are the coping mechanisms you use to deal with your struggles?
    6) Does anyone beside you know of it?
    7) How does your family/friends/Surroundings feel about it? Do you receive support from them?
    8)Which issues, struggles or impairments do you have in life because of it? (you may list them)

    Hoping that the thread won't flop!

  • i have been manipulated all my life and i struggle making friends

    im born and raised in x (country) and moved to z (country) because my parents decided to do so when i turned 13, and after that i had a struggle making friends because of the language barrier and people would bully me for saying the wrong thing and it made me work harder to make sure my language skills were better by the beginning of high school which it did, i had a very good friend group but i had to move to y (another city) because of my parents again, and lost contact with my friends, i still have them on ig and fb but i dont talk to them that much, i had to start at a new school and get new friends which was hard for me, and then i moved again... back to where i was born and raised x (country)

    after i moved back to x (country) i was about to give up on life because my mom forced me to move back when my grades got better and i had a solid friend group again..... i made 2 friends, (which left me bc they started talking shit behind my back) while i was on a trip w my exbf, i made another friend who started in my class a bit later, and we became extremely close, but cut ties with them because they said my mental health needed to be fixed before i talked to them so i cut them out of my life (they also denied they talked shit and hung out w/o me but i have friends who say otherwise and proved them wrong) the only friends i talk to is my bfs friends, one of them is my former bestfriends bf heard me right...and we have a groupchat on dc which kills me because i dont want to see her face anymore but i have bear it because my bf is best friends w her bf,...and hes also my friend..(we also attend the same classes) its hard to interact with boys because they dont understand struggles (im not stereotyping boys, just these...are a bit different) and basically lay it all behind but i want friends to hang out w/ and just not lay in my bed and play video games everyday and study, i want to have fun and talk about makeup, the future, kids whateevr the frick...but im struggling and im on my final line i dont know what to do with my life lol

    i honestly am so unlucky w/ friends and it sucks because i miss my old friends but i live so far from them now it makes me so sad i even cry over it whenever im alone and can cry freely when no one is home, i struggle w suicidal episodes a lot because i dont have any friends to talk to and i dont want to burden my boyfriend, what should i not asking for help but i hope someone relates???

  • i have been manipulated all my life and i struggle making friends

    im born and raised in x (country) and moved to z (country) because my parents decided to do so when i turned 13, and after that i had a struggle making friends because of the language barrier and people would bully me for saying the wrong thing and it made me work harder to make sure my language skills were better by the beginning of high school which it did, i had a very good friend group but i had to move to y (another city) because of my parents again, and lost contact with my friends, i still have them on ig and fb but i dont talk to them that much, i had to start at a new school and get new friends which was hard for me, and then i moved again... back to where i was born and raised x (country)

    after i moved back to x (country) i was about to give up on life because my mom forced me to move back when my grades got better and i had a solid friend group again..... i made 2 friends, (which left me bc they started talking shit behind my back) while i was on a trip w my exbf, i made another friend who started in my class a bit later, and we became extremely close, but cut ties with them because they said my mental health needed to be fixed before i talked to them so i cut them out of my life (they also denied they talked shit and hung out w/o me but i have friends who say otherwise and proved them wrong) the only friends i talk to is my bfs friends, one of them is my former bestfriends bf heard me right...and we have a groupchat on dc which kills me because i dont want to see her face anymore but i have bear it because my bf is best friends w her bf,...and hes also my friend..(we also attend the same classes) its hard to interact with boys because they dont understand struggles (im not stereotyping boys, just these...are a bit different) and basically lay it all behind but i want friends to hang out w/ and just not lay in my bed and play video games everyday and study, i want to have fun and talk about makeup, the future, kids whateevr the frick...but im struggling and im on my final line i dont know what to do with my life lol

    i honestly am so unlucky w/ friends and it sucks because i miss my old friends but i live so far from them now it makes me so sad i even cry over it whenever im alone and can cry freely when no one is home, i struggle w suicidal episodes a lot because i dont have any friends to talk to and i dont want to burden my boyfriend, what should i not asking for help but i hope someone relates???

    Hello thanks for opening up, first of all i apologize it's seems like this thread floped really hard and no one really pays attention to it therefore i edited one of my post where i mentioned my struggles.
    AS for your concern, i cannot say that i relate, i'm not good at making friends, i've always tried when i was younger but then i noticed that i was always the odd one in the group and didn't bring much to the conversations for some reasons, i hated that feeling and also felt uncomfortable because of it, so i started isolated myself and i felt much better. It is true that for a long time i wished to have friends and be in a group but now i don't feel that bad being alone, i guess that has to do with the fact that i'm an introvert and like being alone most of the time, therefore i managed to make some friends throughout the years of school, i don't hangout with them though but we keep in touch by texts and emails since i don't like talking in person and going out, i'm not good at expressing myself verbally and i'm really awkward.
    However this last 2/3 years i've been taking months to reply to my texts i feel like i'm gradually distancing myself with them and loosing them like, we're getting less closer. And i feel bad about that but in other hand i woudln't really mind being all alone. Social interactions drains me emotionnally and mentally so i get tired really easily. So yeah i can't really relate sorry

    Anyway, i don't know how i can help you sorry and i don't think i have any good advices.
    One of my friends made really good friends thanks to KPOP/Exo in twitter and hang out with them sometimes, have you tried to find people near to where you live that has common interests as you through SNS and then eventually hang out with them if you get close?
    How about joining some clubs or associations? Volunteering? You could meet nice people there.
    Also unrelated what about having a pet so you're not completely alone when you cry?
    This aside i'm pretty sure there are people in here that can relate but i don't think they'd check that thread unfortunately ||
    As for your suicidal episodes, if you have them frequently/regularly, like everyday, i suggest you to seek for professionnal help, it won't help you with your concern about not having friends but if given medication or therapy you'd feel better emotionnally/mentally at least which can't be neglected especially when you're at school
    I hope things goes well for you.

  • Well hello. Im not gonna write long post but i have been depressed whole life. I have been bullied whole my life, got brain damage In car accident and got hsv1 from someone Who didnt disclose. I have tried to commit suicide 3 times, my Last time was month ago when i found out i had hsv1. Right now i feel okay but i have been struggling a lot but maybe someday everything gets better

  • Are you serious or is it just a bad joke? 70% of people have hsv1 (most in the passive form). It's not something dangerous.

    I got it In my genitals and i know you cant pass it To others if they had it in their lips but peoples think its worse when its In your genitals. Like transmissions are rare if i dont have outbreaks Like 2-4% and oral hsv1 sheds More like 15-25% of time but still Nobody cares if its your lips.

    My first outbreaks was really painful i couldnt walk for 2 weeks. I got second ob when i was stressing at hospital and it was like 3 bumps only and not painful. Im okay now with it but Stigma is what im More afraid

  • I have autism, ADHD, and CMT. (google it) my parents work for a group home so I got lucky. It's nice to have parents that actually know how to care for you and what help you need. most women don't get diagnosed until they're adults but I got it when I was 2. I got my CMT diagnosis when I was 12. my kneecap had dislocated really badly the year before and spent the whole year recovering. I have flashbacks about it sometimes. I feel like there's no place in the world for me most of the time.

    1601860532-20201004-suhyun.jpg~proudly presented by a humble humanoid commenter~

  • I got it In my genitals and i know you cant pass it To others if they had it in their lips but peoples think its worse when its In your genitals. Like transmissions are rare if i dont have outbreaks Like 2-4% and oral hsv1 sheds More like 15-25% of time but still Nobody cares if its your lips.

    My first outbreaks was really painful i couldnt walk for 2 weeks. I got second ob when i was stressing at hospital and it was like 3 bumps only and not painful. Im okay now with it but Stigma is what im More afraid

    Oh I see, it's less common. You need to maintain a good immunity and use gental body cleansers and you'll be fine. I think that most people know that it's the same virus regardless where it outbreaks and it's not something terrible, don't worry and stay healthy.


    Edited once, last by 0neechan ().

  • Oh I see, it's less common. You need to maintain a good immunity and use gental body cleansers and you'll be fine. I think that most people know that it's the same virus regardless where it outbreaks and it's not something terrible, don't worry and stay healthy.

    Its same virus and it cant be passed To other locations if you have antibodies already. True ~ it sucks but its not that bad since almost everyone has it.

  • i can relate to you being an introvert, im an introvert as well but when you open up to me i become an extrovert, i see everything and understand your situation and can relate to it so much, i usually distance myself when i want to be alone and it might be the case to why my friends stopped liking me and chose someone else over me but it sucks because they dont really understand and dont didnt want to understand that i wanted to be alone even if i was w/ my boyfriend sometimes, yeah social interaction makes me tired after a while and makes me want to leave but i dont know i dont fully understand myself and i should be getting help but at the same time i just want to be normal...and live happily but its hard

  • My life just sucks right now. I have a long standing history of depression and anxiety/panic attacks and I’m having an extremely difficult time. The owner of my rental property decided not to renew my lease after being here for 3 and a bit years to move family in. I now have to be out of my house in a month which is going to be difficult as the market is tight at the moment and demand outstrips supply. And my father passed away before Christmas after a long illness so I now have to deal with the loss. Both my parents died 10 years apart. It’s history repeating itself as the same housing situation happened in 2010 when I lost my mother. I’ve started taking medication again and it’s one that doesn’t cause side effects unlike others I’ve been on. My daughter too has had a rough time, she’s just finished school, just broke up in a relationship and is unhappy with her body despite being a fitness fanatic. Also, a friend and mental health support recently relocated to another town to start a new job and that’s another support that’s gone. I was seeing a social worker but she was useless and the mental health services in my town are non existent. I keep saying affirmations to myself that it’s going to get better but can’t see it at the moment. I haven’t even had a funeral for my father yet due to COVID and border closures. His ashes will be scattered the same place my mother was laid to rest. I hope owner gets karma for this, she’s a bitch.

  • I know this is an old thread, but I felt like it’d be nice to revive <3

    My Anxiety is pretty bad right now. I’m overthinking pretty bad, and I feel like I might “loose control” (I know that I won’t, but that’s one of my worries when my anxiety kicks in badly like this. I worry that my nervousness might cloud the Rational part of my brain, and I’ll end up making a dumb mistake or something)

    Life is not really the best either. I rejected a guy I have some slight feelings for. I didn’t want to date him, yet he wanted to, but I wasn’t ready. We broke it off, and now he’s with someone new. Don’t know if they’re dating but she’s much prettier than me. My heart feels heavy when I see them together. I sometimes wish he’d text me, and tell me that he loves me one more time….but that’s not happening any time soon. My social anxiety has been off the rocker as well. I’m so self conscious whenever I get around people at summer school, because I feel as though they’re all judging me. I know that’s probably not likely, but when they are all just staring at me for no reason, it makes me wonder.

    Overall, I’m just a big mess of anxiety rn ;(

    ・❥・🖤🤍~A wish your heart makes~🤍🖤・❥


  • This thread isn't used enough tbh. It was popular on the old forum and speaking to strangers on here is sometimes more beneficial than seeing some useless counsellor. I have suffered anxiety for 14 years and it's debilitating. It affects my whole life and impacts every day things. I've seen a raft of counsellors most of which are frickin' useless. I prefer not to take medication either as they have pretty bad side effects (particularly when weaning off them). They have even caused me to have suicidal thoughts (Zoloft). I also suffer depression and social anxiety. Luckily, I do have support in my partner and daughter, but most people judge and criticise as they don't suffer themselves. It's nigh impossible to make people understand. Mental health is never taken seriously enough and it does make me angry. I would like to reach out here if possible and even though I am a whole heap older than most here, I would benefit advice or just a sympathetic ear. I do feel quite isolated irl as I don't know a lot of people. :pepe-sad:

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