Celebrities apologizing isn’t necessarily a confirmation to all of their accusations!

  • I thought this was clear, but many people still believe that just because a celebrity apologized for things someone accused them of, that this was a confirmation to every accusation thrown at them.

    (Not talking about scandals revolving legal or criminal matters.)

    Especially if you are a public person, the pressure that lies on you from the court of public opinion is so immense. The only thing you think of is damage control. And unlike non-celebrities who can just defend themself if they are falsely accused, a celebrity trying to defend themself would just make the case worse…. Cause there is no way you can defend yourself without having to reveal things you wanna keep private to the public. And you don’t want to further discuss private issues you had with someone publicly.. Especially if there are thousands over thousands of people already believing you are guilty, and you also don’t want to provoke the exposer to reveal more or say more. At the end the celebrity has more to loose if they drag this.

    This seems like the first reaction I often see in Korea.

    A celebrity gets accused of something, they and the company immediately issue an apology and say they gonna meet up with the victim… the next thing you see is that everything was cleared, victim forgave them etc etc… this shows remorse and people love to see that… if they do it like this, the celebrity just have to go on hiatus for a while and reflect and come back

    Unless there was clear prove the accuser was lying, in a he said she said situation, it’s the word of the alleged victim against that of a celebrity, who is already judged by different standards. Apologizing is the easier way to let the case rest and deal with it in private… and also a way to stop the accuser to further write stuff online…

    And how often did a celebrity apologized and it later turned out not all accusations were true… or that the victim wasn’t that much of a victim.

    Heck they even apologize for being caught dating… what bad behavior are they confirming here ?

    See I’m not saying that if a celebrity gets accused that they always innocent… just saying that we should always give the benefit of doubts and judge objectively, they also just humans , just like the alleged victim. Also it’s always very one sided and we don’t know what role the alleged victim played in their story… they only mention the reaction (the celebrity treating them a certain way) and not the possible cause (them triggering that reaction with something they did or said)…They could have misunderstood something, have a corrupted memory of events, minimize their role in the whole story … or are simply just out there for revenge because that celebrity once hurt their feelings.

    People still underestimate how far people can go if they think they are the victim and petty…if these were people seeking for legal justice, making a case public is the only way they might get the person arrested… but in most cases it’s either alleged elementary school bullying, relationship dramas or people feeling unfairly treated, or want to expose them for having a bad personality/ attitude….cases to show that this celebrity isn’t that nice…. they are willing to destroy careers ( and as a possible side effect even lives) also willing to harm people who had nothing to do with the case (or themself) as collateral damage, just for a “ I’m sorry “ from that celebrity. And many really don’t think it goes to far ?

    Oh and one thing… just because someone claims that a specific person is bad doesn’t mean it’s the truth. You can be nice to one person and rude to another… depends on their relationship. So I don’t give much to those claims unless more people speak up on it.

    Damn it got to long again 😓….

    For TL:TR

    Celebrities often apologize to deescalate a situation and for not more private details to be spread online and to deal with it in private. Apologizing has a lesser negative impact than trying to defend yourself or telling your part of the story when it can end up being dragged endlessly. Celebrities are judged by different standards and are therefore kinda forced to be the better person. For more insight to my thoughts read the whole OP!

    Edited 2 times, last by SandyBee3 ().

  • Unfortunately the default mode of exception toward public personas is that they should always apologize even when people dont understand the context

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  • but apologizing isn't always necessarily about the issue itself when they put that out. I've always thought it could be sorry about creating a fuss, sorry for the trouble and inconvenience it causes other people if it's a complicated case, as you said depending on relationship and context people treat people differently so the apology could mean not a confirmation but in general, for just causing people to talk which can affect other things. no one is completely good or bad, people are more complex than that.

  • but apologizing isn't always necessarily about the issue itself when they put that out. I've always thought it could be sorry about creating a fuss, sorry for the trouble and inconvenience it causes other people if it's a complicated case, as you said depending on relationship and context people treat people differently so the apology could mean not a confirmation but in general, for just causing people to talk which can affect other things. no one is completely good or bad, people are more complex than that.

    Exactly… but many people never think that far. No one is entirely bad or good.

    While we shouldn’t shield celebrities if they were obviously in the wrong (if there is enough evidence)… we should not forget that whatever happened between the celebrity and the alleged victim is between them two, only they know what really happened. Unless we are dealing with a narcissist or psychopath that finds joy in hurting people. Nobody treats someone unfairly for no reason, there must have been something that happened between them, that’s why listening to both stories is important…

    And with celebrity drama everyone gets themself involved, fans, anti’s everyone… so if a celebrity decides to also reveal the tea, you can imagine what a hot mess it would create… it’s better to apologize and say you will try to be a better person, go on hiatus to reflect. People are more forgiving to people who show remorse than to those who didn’t “admit” their mistakes.

  • Exactly… but many people never think that far. No one is entirely bad or good.

    While we shouldn’t shield celebrities if they were obviously in the wrong (if there is enough evidence)… we should not forget that whatever happened between the celebrity and the alleged victim is between them two, only they know what really happened. Unless we are dealing with a narcissist or psychopath that finds joy in hurting people. Nobody treats someone unfairly for no reason, there must have been something that happened between them, that’s why listening to both stories is important…

    And with celebrity drama everyone gets themself involved, fans, anti’s everyone… so if a celebrity decides to also reveal the tea, you can imagine what a hot mess it would create… it’s better to apologize and say you will try to be a better person, go on hiatus to reflect. People are more forgiving to people who show remorse than to those who didn’t “admit” their mistakes.

    exactly. of course if a celebrity does something wrong, they should be held accountable regardless of whether it was a private matter or not, especially if it's harming coworkers, fans, their family unless they don't care for anyone, the celebrities themselves would feel at least a bit guilty and wish to reflect. There could be more to stories but they decide to apologize and stay away from the public not only because they are "fully" guilty, but to prevent a fuss and the situations escalating. We don't know anything personally either to add, just observers. celebrities are held to a higher standard but in the end, they're just people. Unless they're like Seungri or something to name an example, situations between them and the alleged victims don't mean they're villains. misunderstandings exist, and people can be nice to some people but awful to others.

  • I agree; they definitely do it to appease fans or the general public especially with the fact that they are brought up in a deeply-conservative country that put importance on “clean-reputation.”

  • They often do it to save their rep at that moment

    wouldn’t that make their reputation worse since they admitted to doing wrong? Especially if they are innocent

    I know some apologize for worrying their fans but apologizing for bad things is the last resort, when the lawyers can’t defend them so they have to cut to the chase

  • ohh you're kinda right. but in kpop and just twitter in general, its "apologize or be damned" so thats what I based it off of. I think in cases where a lawsuit is being undertaken idols tend to just lay low, Lia didn't apologize because JYPE legal team is still undergoing the process of taking her accusers to court. yk what I mean?

    I think idol apologizing usually means:

    1. Evidence is undeniable so their lawyers or company can’t come up with a good defense (like Irene’s case but it didn’t involve lawyers)

    2. The idols has done much worse than what the public knows, so they have to end the controversy quick before real shit comes out

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