when kill kpop chart organically on the hot 100?
I never understood this my friend????
If a person selling products and I can sell one widget to one person - I've made one sale
If a person can sell one million products to one million people - I've made one million sales
If a person can somehow convince one million people to buy 10 of my products - bloody hire that person!!!!!
psy's gangnam style most organic imo
reeks of bitterness again
2017 dna and mic drop says hi
Love people whining about organic when we know full well that 90% of musicians would sacrifice their first-born to have the fan loyalty bts does. Unless you are Adele, Taylor, Ed etc, you're gonna want fans who are so dedicated to making you successful lol. The GP streamed the heck out of the newer super pushed artists yet they cant even sell out 1000 tickets.
Love people whining about organic when we know full well that 90% of musicians would sacrifice their first-born to have the fan loyalty bts does. Unless you are Adele, Taylor, Ed etc, you're gonna want fans who are so dedicated to making you successful lol. The GP streamed the heck out of the newer super pushed artists yet they cant even sell out 1000 tickets.
Not everyone is a touring force but you can make a shit ton of money if you have the gp
Every fandom mass buys and mass streams though?
Probably never, unless somebody actually manages to get mainstream popular without fandom based stunts
it seems everyone agrees with me the answer is never
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