please give me 206 akorns to buy a rose badge
I don't know who you are but...
I don't know who you are but...
but you already have so many
but you already have so many
butbutbtubtutbtubtbut i need to get to 2750 so i can afford all of the new omg badges
look at johnny the asshole being a nice guy, johnny give me some so i can get to 1k lol
I want some of the goods too
look at johnny the asshole being a nice guy, johnny give me some so i can get to 1k lol
Why the fuck are you calling him an asshole tho?
And when in the history of humanity somebody insulting someone would result in them giving something to you for free?
Also excuse my french, but jenn mate, that's so uncalled of
I want some of the goods too
he probably won't even give me some lol
he probably won't even give me some lol
I see you have some akorns rn
good try i give you a for effort lol
But that'll take too long
Please give me akorns, Bob Sunbaenim.
Bob, ignore the kiddo beggars mate.
They have access to the AKP lounge where they get 2 korns per post.
It's just them being lazy.
I felt for it twice, I won't fall for it the third time.
Bob, ignore the kiddo beggars mate.
They have access to the AKP lounge where they get 2 korns per post.
It's just them being lazy.
I felt for it twice, I won't fall for it the third time.
they tried begging on my wall too
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