Lisa being popular in Thailand...

  • ... is not a surprise and im happy for her! I'm happy that since debut Lisa is loved by her people, her home country and ever since the love keeps increasing.

    What i don't understand is that some kpop fans use this love as a shade thing... "Oh, she is this famous bc Thailand is helping her" ????? Why shouldn't they? Lisa is literally an one of kind artist, full of talent, beautiful, a pride for the country and an example for everybody! What's not clicking? It's easy to love Lisa kkkk

    It's the same as saying: x idol is famous in s.k. bc x is korean :clown: but it's funny bc if a korean idol is famous in s.k. these same "fans" compliment, go full koreab** just to praise the x idol...

    The indirect xenophobia and racism is strong and ugly.

    Let Lisa in peace and yes to Lisa being loved by Thai people, by the whole sea, by everyone who loves her! Lisa is love, Lisa is talent, Lisa is deserved of such "pride"! Lisa is a hardworking queen and she is getting all this love bc she sure worked hard for this!

    Anyways, Lisa is Thai and she is proud of it!


  • It's so dumb. It's like saying Jennie is only popular in Korea because she's Korean. But it's always Lisa who gets these comments.

    Guess it comes with being the most popular female idol of your gen :eyes:

  • Done, i fixed it for you bc i don't wanna fights kkkkk

    But yes, JUST Lisa gets comments like this to this extension.

    My point was it would be unfair to say Jennie was huge in Korea because she's Korean, just as it's unfair to say Lisa is only popular in Thailand because she's Thai. They achieved it on merit!

  • Why are people shading Lisa for Thailand loving her lololol? Yeah that’s hypocritical as clearly “thAiLaND Is LesSeR” attitude some people have.

    Anyways Lisa’s Winning :peperich:

  • It does only seem to be a drag that exists for Lisa.

    I've never seen anyone drag other idols who are famous in Thailand or Japan for their fame helping to boost their groups. In fact it's usually a brag.

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