Big groups like BTS, Blackpink or Twice gets tashed whenever they come back
" Alchohol Free vs X " Threads
Do BTS even get trashed for their CB?
Yes they do but they can be also quickly buried 😂
That’s why i get annoyed when every big fandom complains about negative threads etc or act like their faves are being personally targeted. Unless your group releases a universal banger, it’s gonna get trashed.
Who releases universal banger? Even Psycho gets shitted on for the “im not your typical person” narrative 💀
Who releases universal banger? Even Psycho gets shitted on for the “im not your typical person” narrative 💀
Psycho is probably the most universally liked song on this site to come out in recent years.
I seriously didnt notice them, maybe drew B overshadow them
ON, life goes on, and PTD are trashed all the time, how they underperformed and flopped. their old music was good, new sucks. Their last three english singles are trashed at least once a week, yesterday was a time for a new thread. Look for it, i assume it's somewhere in the first 5 pages
Armys and bts just cannot take a break
interesting thread OP. cant decide if this is hypocrisy or self-reflection?
And what is worse is that they trash these songs but after some time they become materpieces.
I remember how they trashed Solo when it was released but now it seems like it's the ultimate piece of art, after 2 years Lalisa will be a great song and a better one than the new solo or bp song.
And this also happens with BTS and Twice is like what they release is trash but with some time is a masterpiece, like wtf.
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Everyone become music critics when Nxt Lvl dropped lmaooo
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