SKIPPED THE FILLERS. Stop complaining every 3 seconds about hating Naruto, it's really easy to look online and see which episodes are purely filler, Skipping fillers will 1. make you enjoy said anime better 2. not waste your time with terrible fillers for 5 episodes straight. Fillers are important because they make sure the anime doesn't catch up with the manga too fast. People complain too much, anime reviewers on YouTube complain too much as well, just turn off the TV if your really losing your mind over a 25 minute filler Naruto episode where all some boy does is scream at the sea for 5 minutes. Literally. This website is my life saver when I'm watching naruto and want to skip the boring fillers:
If your looking for an anime without any fillers, watch Black Clover, Black clover only has 10 filler episodes out of 149 episodes. Naruto could not relate with their 250+ boring fillers. also nobody replies in this anime section that much, so to all the 0 people that replied, thanks.