Television/movie/game series that you really liked but lost you along the way?

  • The Walking Dead

    It was one of my favorites but they lost me around Negan. Once I found out Glenn was dead when taking a break, I never bothered checking it out again

    Game of Thrones

    Self explanatory. I did force myself to finish it but if I could take back wasting my time doing that, I would


    One of my favorite shows ever but they couldn't save the show once they lost Nathan. He was the backbone of the show and I didn't even last 3 episodes

    The 100

    Started weak, got good by end of season 1, 2nd season was great, and it just got progressively worse from there for me and eventually lost interest


    First 3 seasons were great, 4th season is... 4th season, beginning of 5th season was fine but they never recovered their charm so I didn't bother

    What about you guys?


  • The Walking Dead. I never really was a fan as its flaws were obvious as soon as Season 2. But I kept watching for the most part until I began reading the comic book series. I then lost all interest for the TV show.

    The X-Files. This show was fantastic back then but it got more and more confusing. It went on for too long; they should have stopped when David Duchovny left.

  • The Walking Dead. I never really was a fan as its flaws were obvious as soon as Season 2. But I kept watching for the most part until I began reading the comic book series. I then lost all interest for the TV show.

    The X-Files. This show was fantastic back then but it got more and more confusing. It went on for too long; they should have stopped when David Duchovny left.

    Yeah, the X-Files lost me eventually too. In the same realm of things, Twin Peaks. I don't know if this counts because I did finish the original 2 seasons but I never bothered to check out the 3rd season when it came back

  • Loved Game of Thrones, and The 100 from those which you mentioned. Still will watch House of the Dragon prequel, and I've heard they were some talks about The 100 prequel/spin-off, also would give it a try.

    what else? The Vampire Diares for sure, but still watched the whole series. And yeah I'm also watching Legacies, dumb me.

    Vikings were similar but still will watch Vikings: Valhalla spin-off.

  • Loved Game of Thrones, and The 100 from those which you mentioned. Still will watch House of the Dragon prequel, and I've heard they were some talks about The 100 prequel/spin-off, also would give it a try.

    what else? The Vampire Diares for sure, but still watched the whole series. And yeah I'm also watching Legacies, dumb me.

    Vikings were similar but still will watch Vikings: Valhalla spin-off.

    I knew about the GOT prequel and already plan on watching despite my disappointment with the last seasons. Hopefully it makes up for what they put me through lol. Interesting about The 100 prequel... would it be focused on the war before they went to space or the grounders before the show takes place? :pepewhat:

    Never saw TVD but I've heard enough about it from my sister lmao

  • Oh yeah I forgot Supernatural. I started watching just out of curiosity as I was seeing lots of merch branded with the Winchester brothers. It was enjoyable (even though chessy), but I never really considered watching the whole 10+ seasons.

    During Season 5, the showrunner got replaced but he wrote the ending of Season 5 as though it was the definitive ending of the show. When I reached that point, I indeed felt it was a satisfactory ending and I stopped there.

  • I knew about the GOT prequel and already plan on watching despite my disappointment with the last seasons. Hopefully it makes up for what they put me through lol. Interesting about The 100 prequel... would it be focused on the war before they went to space or the grounders before the show takes place? :pepewhat:

    Never saw TVD but I've heard enough about it from my sister lmao

    actually, I think that even most hardcore TVD fans would admit that

    it's best to watch it to the end of season 4 and then start watching The Originals, there is a kind of no need to stick to TVD for the full 8 seasons. And first two seasons, maybe even a bit of the third season of The Originals have similar dynamics and a lot of action and romance which earlier lead to TVD popularity.

    Well, it's a lot of watching but it's worth it :D

  • Also Spartacus. Not because of the death of the main actor, as I watched both the prequel and the second season. But because

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Misfits was such a perfect show when Nathan was part of the cast. One episode better than the other. I got an intense dislike towards the actor after it was revealed that he was the one who wanted to leave lol. Fucking dumbass

    lol I definitely had a grudge against him for a while too, the show was so good and had so much more potential. He's forgiven now that he plays my favorite Umbrella Academy character.... even if he ruined one of my most favorite shows ever


  • I hate that character too cause he feels like a cheap version of nathan to me ;(

    Maybe that's why I like him so much though lol he slightly fills in the Misfits-shaped hole in my heart

    Still confused why the actor left Misfits. To my knowledge, it's not like he left for a big hit project and it took until UA which happened almost 10 years later. Even in his own self interest, sticking with Misfits would've been better for getting his name out there as it probably would've been huge :pepe-sad: At least it opened up Iwan (Simon) and Antonia (Alisha) to some successful roles, idk about the others though

  • Maybe that's why I like him so much though lol he slightly fills in the Misfits-shaped hole in my heart

    Still confused why the actor left Misfits. To my knowledge, it's not like he left for a big hit project and it took until UA which happened almost 10 years later. Even in his own self interest, sticking with Misfits would've been better for getting his name out there as it probably would've been huge :pepe-sad: At least it opened up Iwan (Simon) and Antonia (Alisha) to some successful roles, idk about the others though

    Misfits would be huge if he stayed. Majority of the audience left after he left because he was pretty much the heart of the show so it didn't even had the chance to become bigger. The other characters were great too but he was responsible, if not crucial, for most of the humor and one of the strongest points of Misfits is that it was funny AF.

    Yeah he said he left because he wanted to try new things, apparently he left to work with a director that he liked a lot and i checked and it had a way more serious tone so ig he was afraid of being typecasted too.

    Maybe he left due poor relationship with the cast or bigwigs there, in that case I guess it's understandable. But i'll still be bitter about him ruining one of my almost favorite shows lol.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • Misfits would be huge if he stayed. Majority of the audience left after he left because he was pretty much the heart of the show so it didn't even had the chance to become bigger. The other characters were great too but he was responsible, if not crucial, for most of the humor and one of the strongest points of Misfits is that it was funny AF.

    Yeah he said he left because he wanted to try new things, apparently he left to work with a director that he liked a lot and i checked and it had a way more serious tone so ig he was afraid of being typecasted too.

    Maybe he left due poor relationship with the cast or bigwigs there, in that case I guess it's understandable. But i'll still be bitter about him ruining one of my almost favorite shows lol.

    Yeah, when probably 90% of the viewers favorite character is Nathan.. what else could happen?

    And that's true, I guess we never know what's happening behind the scenes. I just hope it wasn't cast related problem. I was shocked when I found out basically the entire Boy Meets World cast was racist and were mean to the actress of Angela. It was one of my childhood shows and ever since then I stopped assuming all was well between castmates behind the scenes so who knows

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