Who would you date?

  • okay so this is all past in different time periods but I will give you a description of two guys and tell me which one would you have dated...

    The answer can be neither too

    1st Guy:

    1. Great at Academics, a master in chemistry

    2. Is in one of the top 5 colleges of the country (and not in my college)

    3. Handsome, like really handsome.. like a traditional Arabic beauty, 90% of the girls had a crush on him

    4. Proud and overconfident, some ego issues... (a little conservative but he never admits it)

    5. But was really sweet to people he cared about, but yeah was a little selective kind of guy

    6. Flirty and honest

    7. Loves playing soccer and cracking dirty jokes

    8. Playful and annoying af

    2nd Guy:

    1. Again, great at academics, really high IQ, best chess player in the entire university (yeah my circle is mostly nerds)

    2. Same university as mine

    3. Handsome but had more unique beauty, Looked more northeast Asian

    4. Kind and helping, very empathetic and sensitive

    5. overthinks a lot.. a whole lot and then goes into no talk period for a good while atleast once a year

    6. Loves badminton, soccer and playing a few instruments

    7. Best friend T_T

    8. Playful and annoying af

    Now I stated all I could including looks and interest cause tbh honestly I noticed all these things in them along with their personality

    just tell me which one would you have preferred..

  • I would definitely not like the 1st guy at all.

    2nd guy seems sweet, but for me it's hard to say based on such simple things, I would not date someone based on just that, I have to really vibe with the person, be on the same page, trust them etc.

  • the second guy play chess??? well seals the deal for selfmate!!!!

  • Mix of both lol , i have a thing for academics ( he was at top iit ), was a athlete too. I have a thing for arrogant cold guys and just like them. I like to know such men better and know their reasons

    Him being selective and reserved to others, but showing his true side to me is so perfect. I don't like guys who talk a lot. They should listen and let me talk : )

  • the second guy is good at any game which requires brains and tricks... he gets lost in his games to a dangerous point though... this one time he lost a match and then hit his hand in the window so bad that it got injured....

    the one thing I dont like about the guy is his snobby nature..

    this one time he rejected a girl very badly who was a little healthy and although he did feel bad about it later and apologized I still found it a bit weird that time cause I never knew he would actually say such things ...

    anyways he definitely was really popular so he was kind of tired of it

  • Mix of both lol , i have a thing for academics ( he was at top iit ), was a athlete too. I have a thing for arrogant cold guys and just like them. I like to know such men better and know their reasons

    Him being selective and reserved to others, but showing his true side to me is so perfect. I don't like guys who talk a lot. They should listen and let me talk : )

    lmao you like the bad boy types lol... thats fine.. its all a preference...

    tbh one thing about being good to you and not as much to others sometimes makes me think if at some point when they don't adore you as much they may do the same to you...

  • lmao you like the bad boy types lol... thats fine.. its all a preference...

    tbh one thing about being good to you and not as much to others sometimes makes me think if at some point when they don't adore you as much they may do the same to you...

    Yes bad boys r weakness lol.

    Bold speaking from personal prespective. Not generalised statement. Such guys are quite passionate lovers.

    Sometimes it becomes too much lol. Like too much possessive behaviour over your guy friends, clothes( we fought over my dresses, because he thought it is little exposing )used to get on my nerves. Its depend on how you manage it lol. Bcoz i m very strong opinionated. And won't give in. But they adore you truly and will be on your side. But they are not everyone's cup of tea.

  • Yes bad boys r weakness lol.

    Bold speaking from personal prespective. Not generalised statement. Such guys are quite passionate lovers.

    Sometimes it becomes too much lol. Like too much possessive behaviour over your guy friends, clothes( we fought over my dresses, because he thought it is little exposing )used to get on my nerves. Its depend on how you manage it lol. Bcoz i m very strong opinionated. And won't give in. But they adore you truly and will be on your side. But they are not everyone's cup of tea.

    yeah I certainly dont like it when someone dictates me on who I should talk or not what I should wear so that becomes a turn off especially in the long run

  • the second guy is good at any game which requires brains and tricks... he gets lost in his games to a dangerous point though... this one time he lost a match and then hit his hand in the window so bad that it got injured....

    the one thing I dont like about the guy is his snobby nature..

    this one time he rejected a girl very badly who was a little healthy and although he did feel bad about it later and apologized I still found it a bit weird that time cause I never knew he would actually say such things ...

    anyways he definitely was really popular so he was kind of tired of it

    interesting selfmate too is good at games that require brains and stuff...but i don't get lost in them though...

    well then it seems that guy @@@813d570f-75f9-4a0e-abcd-643e9e2a0415@@@ is probably not for you then...guy 2 it is!!!! well empathy or even sympathy may be hard for people that have never experienced anything different before...I mean if he was rich and snobby or smart and snobby and handsome as hell then he might have never experienced what it's like to suffer hardship or deal with difficult situations and thus may not know the correct way of dealing with things including letting a girl down nicely

  • yinteresting selfmate too is good at games that require brains and stuff...but i don't get lost in them though...

    well then it seems that guy 1 is probably not for you then...guy 2 it is!!!! well empathy or even sympathy may be hard for people that have never experienced anything different before...I mean if he was rich and snobby or smart and snobby and handsome as hell then he might have never experienced what it's like to suffer hardship or deal with difficult situations and thus may not know the correct way of dealing with things including letting a girl down nicely

    Yeah true, the first guy lives very comfortably...

    too bad me and the second guy didn't get together in the end because we concluded we would both tire each other because both of us are really bad overthinkers and we actually fought a lot even as friends...

    We are still friends now but we do fight less now XD

  • Yeah true, the first guy lives very comfortably...

    too bad me and the second guy didn't get together in the end because we concluded we would both tire each other because both of us are really bad overthinkers and we actually fought a lot even as friends...

    We are still friends now but we do fight less now XD

    maybe you need to find someone opposite of yourself...

    opposites attract????

  • maybe you need to find someone opposite of yourself...

    opposites attract????

    Yeah I think so too.. but idk its really hard for me to get attracted to people who arent as intelligent...

    tbh I do feel like I would vibe more with someone who is more clam and collected but still ambitious... but I never met someone like that XD

    Also I have this weird habit of only liking guys who are playful :pepe-sad:

  • maybe you need to find someone opposite of yourself...

    opposites attract????

    I actually don't believe in that. :D

    I mean it depends on a person, but for me an opposite of me would just annoy me totally haha. For me it's important that you can get along and understand each other to at least some degree.

    But I guess some people like constant bickering and figting :D

  • I liked the 2nd dude more, tho I find it uncommon to see dudes with high IQ with enough empathy, or at least being vocal about it.

    I agree.. either they are way too sensitive or not at all.. there is no in-between...

    tbh second guy is really vocal about his feelings atleast if it's not love-related or some kind of confrontation... But he is weird to analyse cause he can be moody a lot of times

  • Yeah I think so too.. but idk its really hard for me to get attracted to people who arent as intelligent...

    tbh I do feel like I would vibe more with someone who is more clam and collected but still ambitious... but I never met someone like that XD

    Also I have this weird habit of only liking guys who are playful :pepe-sad:

    maybe not that opposite...to the point of being dumb lol

    maybe just someone who is different...not necessarily opposite

    and again I don't remember if it was you or someone else I was discussing this but there is a difference between looking for someone to date and looking for a "life partner" big difference (well to me at least)

  • I actually don't believe in that. :D

    I mean it depends on a person, but for me an opposite of me would just annoy me totally haha. For me it's important that you can get along and understand each other to at least some degree.

    But I guess some people like constant bickering and figting :D

    maybe not completely opposite but just different...

    like my wife is different enough to me but we still have a lot of similarities at the core which are compatible

  • Consider me a selfmate stan from now on!

    my ego is big enough...you should really bring me down a notch or two... ;-)

    nah I used to (prior to meeting my wife) be really really crap at EQ and all the emotional and sensitive "crap" which is what i called it back then and my wife (then gf) basically said I wasn't "thoughtful" enough...so I had to work on it and develop such skills...I wouldn't say I'm great at it but a lot better than what I used to be

  • maybe not completely opposite but just different...

    like my wife is different enough to me but we still have a lot of similarities at the core which are compatible

    Of course, my bf is also very different from me haha, but we're similar thinking at the important things + compatible.

    Different and opposite are not the same things :D

  • maybe not that opposite...to the point of being dumb lol

    maybe just someone who is different...not necessarily opposite

    and again I don't remember if it was you or someone else I was discussing this but there is a difference between looking for someone to date and looking for a "life partner" big difference (well to me at least)

    where do I find different guys? I hope I find one soon lol :pepe-sad:

    Tbh most guys around me are too worried about their career (like me lol) and tbh we see way too much vulnerable and uncool sides of each other from the start its hard to find someone attractive that way.. atleast the first image needs to be kind of cool and charming lol.. this is why I just decided to try later when I move out lol

    yeah tbh but whenever I date I always end up getting serious.. its partly because my partners start getting serious so I kind of start feeling bad and then I get serious too :pepefacepalm:

    this stuff is so exhausting, I am kind of jelly of people who date easily

  • Of course, my bf is also very different from me haha, but we're similar thinking at the important things + compatible.

    Different and opposite are not the same things :D

    true but as the saying goes opposites attract...and I'm sure that works for some people...

    but not us...we are kpop professors!!!! no one on AKP can claim to have co-written a thesis lol

  • 1. with the first guy, I rejected him cause I find some of his thoughts a little insensitive and him a bit conservative.. we are not on talking terms anymore, with teh second guy, it didnt last long and we are back to being friends again

    2. Lmao tbh I didnt intend this to happen tbh XD

    Happy ending with your best friend , love to hear that :yesr:

    issokay, you can now say know everything about each other :pepe-flirt:

  • Woow, guys around you seem like no fun.

    I mean it's nice to be thinking about your career, but not to the point this is all you thrive for. Because I feel like in that case you can't really love someone else, since you're concerned too much about yourself and don't care about people around you truly.

    But nothing wrong with being serious about dating. As long as both sides are like that and both know it, I think it's all good.

    (+ as long as this is what you want)

  • well I'm not in India so I can't help you there my friend lol

    well no one said dating and finding mr right is easy...it's actually really hard work!!!! that's why people talk about working on one's marriage...so good luck my friend

    always remember that you can date just to date (if that's what you want...) don't let your partner or family or culture tell you no...

  • true but as the saying goes opposites attract...and I'm sure that works for some people...

    but not us...we are kpop professors!!!! no one on AKP can claim to have co-written a thesis lol

    Like I said, different things work for different people, and surely opposites attract works for some. But I wouldn't put it as some universal rule, because I feel like 'opposites attract' usually don't work long term hehe

    Hahahah true professors indeed!


  • Woow, guys around you seem like no fun.

    I mean it's nice to be thinking about your career, but not to the point this is all you thrive for. Because I feel like in that case you can't really love someone else, since you're concerned too much about yourself and don't care about people around you truly.

    But nothing wrong with being serious about dating. As long as both sides are like that and both know it, I think it's all good.

    (+ as long as this is what you want)

    true, I think this is also partly because we are in very crucial times right now career-wise so everybody is kind of on the edge.. some of them got student loans to pay off, some got other responsibilites so its a pressurized environment ..

    also our university is pretty famous for turning everything into a competition and overworking us a lot.. most of us are too tired and done with everything..so it kind of makes sense how we just see the tired and uncool sides of each other..
    now that the pandemic started its just the worst cause no extracurriculars and no sports, nothing..

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