Great lyrics ≠ great song

  • good lyrics can add value to a good song

    but even good lyrics can't save a song that you don't like

    i'll never understand why people are trying to blame some people for not liking a song with a great message

    in music beat and melody matter more than lyrics

    or it would be a poem and not a song, if it was only about the lyrics '-'

    it's crazy that people want so badly everybody to like their favs songs that they are ready to make anybody feel bad by using the most dumb argument

    and not liking a song doesn't mean at all that you don't agree with the message

    ✩We Born with the X-Gene✩

  • Me shaming people who don't like PS when the song is for them (the antis) :pepe-cowboy: kkkkkk

  • This song have my favorite lyrics.

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  • This song have my favorite lyrics.

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    The way I took you seriously :pepe-cut: kkkkk

  • I agree. The argument is especially silly when people argue about how well written they think the lyrics are (not the message, but the lyrics themselves), but the song's in Korean and they don't speak Korean. Like, how do you even know? You're judging it based on some fan's interpretation of it and their skill in translation. Or the flipside is they'll claim that other song's lyrics are bad, but they can't judge that either. It could be using metaphors and cultural references and word play that make sense if you speak korean and grew up in the culture that an international fan just wouldn't get.

    I dunno, for me, I want a song to sound good first and foremost. If the message of the song is good, bonus. I'll refrain from judging lyrical composition tho.

  • I agree. The argument is especially silly when people argue about how well written they think the lyrics are (not the message, but the lyrics themselves), but the song's in Korean and they don't speak Korean. Like, how do you even know? You're judging it based on some fan's interpretation of it and their skill in translation. Or the flipside is they'll claim that other song's lyrics are bad, but they can't judge that either.

    I dunno, for me, I want a song to sound good first and foremost. If the message of the song is good, bonus. I'll refrain from judging lyrical composition tho.

    It's silly and tbh BP suffered from this since debut and it's just sooo hypocrite. People using lyrics to measure a group talent and what not is just sour.

  • you gotta admit bp's lyrics are usually objectively trash tho

    but i do be simping for that trash

    bada bing bada boom boom boom

    Not really. Just bc they sing about loving or breaking up doesn't mean it's trash.

    PWF / AIIYL / D4 / KTL / HYLT / STAY / LSG all have meaning and their b sides are great too.

    Some are to party, but 80% or more of their discography have lyrics that makes sense.

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