Imagine starting your very own ENT Company

  • Imagine yourself starting your very own entertainment company :oks:

  • This sounds really fun, so thank you for sharing this!! <3:borahae::claps:

    As for the name, I would name the company: WE-become Entertainment

    WE-become Entertainment would be open to accept anyone who has both the potential and mindset to become a passionate & hard working musician

    The trainee/audition process would be done in three steps:

    1. Audition

    2. (If a certain person gives off potential) The company will send them a request to come train for three months at the company, in which they will build a base for their talent.

    3. At the end of those three months, they will need to produce a piece themselves that they will perform for the whole company. That is when the company finally decides whether they want to further train and make these individuals into artists.

    Regarding the rules, they will be understandable and will be made so that the trainees continue to bring out more potential within their talents in music.

    Again, thank you for sharing this!!! It was truly creative and fun to create this :lovec:

    work in progress

  • ~ What would you name it?

    Rainbow Entertainment

    ~ Who would you accept?

    Anyone over the age of 13 can audition, no racial, gender, ethnic, etc. restrictions

    ~ How's the trainee/audition process like?

    The normal trainee process but less harsh. Auditions will be held at the building but if the auditionee doesn't live near/in Korea, they can submit a video either singing or dancing with an introduction on what their names are, their ages, and where they're from

    ~ Will you do a survival show to start a new group?


    ~ How strict will your rules/guidelines be?

    Not too strict but obvious rules...maybe a dating ban until a certain time.

    ღ Happy Birthday / 10.18.2005 ღ

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  • why did i read ent as eyes nose throat and not as entertainment :clown:

    but on a serious note i really do want to be an ent specialist once i graduate 😭 it’s tough work but i really want to make it

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