Honestly yes i think one of their songs would end up being viral, but i respect them going the most reliable route, and not changing concept

Do you think GOT7 would've been more popular if they still stuck to their cute concepts?
Honestly to answer the op no I don’t think they would have. Lullaby is their song with most awards and recognition. Fans know Just Right that are in kpop sure but when it came to achieving what they desired to get a cute concept was not going to get there.
In regards to freedom they don’t have as much as you think. Everything was put into a vote with a committee the decided songs as well as theme of the comebacks. So they can say no we don’t like this concept but if the committee says you are doing it then they would have had to.
Man ahgases truly are a dying breed on here if I’m the first to comment.
Man ahgases truly are a dying breed on here if I’m the first to comment.
Yeah, I don't think there are many ahgases here in the forums. AKP usually writes a lot of bts articles so maybethere are more armys? idk, I'm kinda new to this site.
@OP, As for the cute concept, maybe. But there's a shorter shelf life for that kind cuz it'll look silly when they're older. I also don't think the members would've been happy about it, imagine, grown adults trying to act cute? For me, their more mature songs and relatively recent ones got my attention(either 'You Calling My Name' or 'Not By The Moon' was what snagged my interest, I forgot which) Cute songs are just not my thing.
'You Are' wasn't really a cute-cute song like 'Just Right' but had this brightness to it that lent a youthfulness(love this one, too), I think they had quite a few songs like that.
Yeah, I don't think there are many ahgases here in the forums. AKP usually writes a lot of bts articles so maybethere are more armys? idk, I'm kinda new to this site.
As for the cute concept, maybe. But there's a shorter shelf life for that kind cuz it'll look silly when they're older. I also don't think.the members would've been happy about it, imagine, grown adults trying to act cute? For me, their more mature songs and relatively recent ones got my attention(either 'You Calling My Name' or 'Not By The Moon' was what snagged my interest, I forgot which) Cute songs are just not my thing. Y
'You Are' wasn't really a cute-cute song like 'Just Right' but had this brightness to it that lent a youthfulness(love this one, too), I think they had quite a few songs like that.
You Are is my favorite song and it does have that lightness compared to YCMN which is more sexy and dark. They are able to pull off both sweet and salty concept from their titles alone you can see. Look and lullaby we’re still pretty bright and fun songs just not as cute as Just Right. Even the latest song Breath was more light and fun and cute to watch .
honestly a lot of ahgases left before the forum revamp that I talked to and I still do on discord but there are a few floating around and I do my best to keep the artist threads going :)
i feel like they weren't as popular because of jyp's mismanagement tho. cute concepts wouldn't have made much of a difference. i think them getting to do some of the concepts they wanted to do helped them have a more authentic sound and benefitted in the long run. i'd rather they have a bit more musical freedom instead of having a cute concept shoved down their throat for the sake of popularity
I’ve followed got7 on and off over the years, I liked them and a lot of their music but I wouldn’t say I was a full on fan so this is more an outsiders perspective.
What really attracted me to their earlier music is their personality. Even their songs that I didn’t like as much I would still watch performances because they were all just really good performers.
I think more cute concepts wouldn’t really have helped, but maybe more clear concepts if that makes sense? Or more relaxed, fun concepts. Like a more mature version of cute I guess. From what I’ve seen over the last couple of years they’ve had a lot of similar, ‘moody’ concepts.
It also seems like JYPE have been putting more effort into promoting their newer groups and had decided that got7 weren’t going to get any bigger so they just put in enough effort with them to promote them to their own fans and didn’t try and help them grow any further which is a shame because I think JYPE could have aimed higher for them. The boys definitely put in enough work.
I m just guessing tht they did a lot of different concepts hence if they even did cute concepts also, they will hv ppl who wld not listen coz "they loved their other concepts". Like look at all the answers in this forum , ppl dont hv the same taste on got7. Basically, they dont exactly hv a fixed concept which all can agree on liking, as they hv songs different audiences like for different reasons
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