Do you know what Mahjong is? and or how to play it?
If anyone is clueless about what it is, maybe you might have seen it in Crazy Rich Asians
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I know what it it..but I don't know how to play
this was my favourite mahjong movie lol
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I know what it is but never played it
selfmate dad icy's scaring me
selfmate dad icy's scaring me
I still think icy's a girl but it could go either way...
I'm like 66.67% certain...
I love Mahjong! I have it on my phone
lol I was gonna say "she's scaring me" but you never know
I know it but I dont know how to play
I love Mahjong! I have it on my phone
no actual mahjong not the match crap that is a mobile game - actual four players mahjong lol
no actual mahjong not the match crap that is a mobile game - actual four players mahjong lol
Oh lmao well it's mahjong >:(
Oh lmao well it's mahjong >:(
it's not's trash
selfmate dad icy's scaring me
Come we should play
I actually haven't tried playing it online before hm...
Come we should play
I actually haven't tried playing it online before hm...
Come we should play
I actually haven't tried playing it online before hm...
Can I play?
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