I once dropped them on the street so that they got smushed. I also have washed a pair in a washing machine. In case you can't tell, headphones don't like me. I tend to shorten their life spans drastically

What was the worst thing you ever did to headphones?
I chewed on the wires of my headphones and magical liquid spilled out of them and into my mouth.
Broke them
I chewed on the wires of my headphones and magical liquid spilled out of them and into my mouth.
Don't know what to say other than that must suck
Don't know what to say other than that must suck
It tasted like metal
they were plugged into my laptop
my wireless headphones stopped working on one end once, so i opened it up attempting to fix the wiring inside. it was the worst idea but it worked..
wow impressive
Broke them
the headphones are too fragile
I chewed on the wires of my headphones and magical liquid spilled out of them and into my mouth.
this sounds like you ngl.
I drop them constantly, like once per month. Some broke but the most expensive pair I ever bought still working.
i broke about 15 pairs of earbuds in total last year
o wow. That's a lot.
twisted the wire so hard it destroyed the audio
I also once threw a pair across my room and they broke. no, I don't know why I threw them either.
which may be why they're so easy to break as well
we need the clown reaction back fr
yes please.
I don’t wear headphones, only earphones and I look after them. I’ve had the same pair for four years.
I got so mad at my report card in 6th grade that I threw my headphones across the room and they broke on my wall. I had to repaint my wall and save up for new headphones...
I don’t wear headphones, only earphones and I look after them. I’ve had the same pair for four years.
earphones, headphones, same thing. Impressive tho.
never did lol
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