So today I was on my way to work riding the subway. This guy was sitting next to me and saw that I was standing and that I'm pregnant so he asked if I wanted to sit down. I said yes and went over but instead of giving me his seat, he patted his lap like I was supposed to sit there! A woman across the aisle let me have her seat but when it was my stop, he got off too. He went the way I was going, towards my work. I have to walk a few blocks to get there and I was freaked so I took a route I usually don't and he kept following me. I went inside a store and was going to ask someone to hit the panic button or call the police but the guy caught up to me and told the worker that everything was fine and I was panicked because of my pregnancy hormones. The worker, a teenage boy, went off thinking he was my boyfriend or something. This guy was so creepy! I just left the aisle and went to another worker and he did it again! So I left and just decided to get to my work as fast as I could and my co-workers would help. When I got there I started waving and calling to my buddy and he saw that I wasn't alone anymore so he left.
But it was so scary! I had to have my friend take me home because I thought he might be on the subway again. I'm mad too, not only did he take advantage of me being alone but he took advantage of my pregnancy too!
THIS GUY SUCKS but he technically didn't break any laws that I know of so I can't file a report