I don't really talk about Twice on this forum because I'm only a casual stan but I really like some of their songs and why not talk about them?
5: TT
This is the signature song and excluding all of the uneeded animated vocals, it's a super catchy song and deserves the love it gets.
4: Yes or Yes
There's just something so appealing about this song and idk why...
3: Cheer Up
Do I even need to explain? This song is just iconic.
2: What Is Love
Perfect melodies and the song just gives me such a warm feeling inside. It's not even that it's sonically good, it just has such a immaculate girl crush vibe.
I don't understand why people don't like this song... It's catchy asf, has good production, and the chorus IS SUPERIOR. One of the best Twice songs in general and it doesn't deserve so much harsh words.
I know Feel Special and Fancy aren't here but those songs are overrrated to me.