so i wanted to make signatures to get akorns and someone else had made them so i thought it was rlly cool and now i want to do it!
-akorns for a signature is at least 10
-Dm once you figured what you want then tell me the idol/ color/ and what you want it to say. (you can ask for a GIF or picture as well)
-if you want a certain amount of pictures feel free to tell me
- 1 picture is 10, 2 is 15, 3 is 20, and so on.
- the most pictures are 4
signatures here ->
I'm quite attached to my sig
but if you make me an ot7 bts signature
I'll give you akorns for it and use it
well...until I start missing my previous sig again
'cause as I said
I'm attached
it doesnt have to say something
you can do what you want ~
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