OK so I really want a hamster since maybe 2 months now and I today looked online if there is anyone breeding them or just having one who needs a new home and I even checked if a store or the local animal shelter has one and now I feel sad cause there is not a single hamster for sale in my reach because I don't own a car and would've to use public transport. Ah that sucks tho...
I'm only going for a hamster cause I know how to care for guinea pigs but my apartment isn't big enough to have them anymore and a cat is too expensive for me right now, same goes to a dog + if I might get a job than it will be impossible to care for a dog if you leave it alone for too long
I saw on the website that my local animal shelter also has rats but since I'm unsure if the date on their info is their birthday or the date since when they are in the shelter I am not even trying cause if they are allready over 2 years old at the end I wouldn't have much of them if I would take them
>.< guess I have to wait some more weeks till I figure out where to get a hamster from