RBW pledges support to One China Policy

  • China money >>>>> Taiwan money.

    Plus South Korea like most other countries also have agreed on the one China policy, the only disagreement is on how to make it happen and when will it happen.

    Actually things are a lot more complicated than that, the majority of South Korea does not agree with the policy, the politicians in the country are trying to play peace makers however right now for business reasons. Here is a fantastic article on how the situation is quite complex and also involves the US and North Korea, South Korea is just trying to avoid war with China. The main thing they agree upon is North Korea not having as much power as they do currently.


    Micah Forever

    Benny's Smoll Bean


  • All this because of their trainees are on a survival show now that k-netz took notice they’re backtracking lol. A sellout for China money just like the many Chinese idols.

    Keiya and Junpei allready are eliminated and Hiroto is only in the top half of the participants who are still on the show so I wouldn't be surprised if he also drops out all of a sudden.

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • In my country the private sector always says they take the same stance as the government of the country and leave it at that never clarify or release more statements. Why don’t korean companies do that. It’s not like they’ll keep working in China if the situation between the two countries get worse, and having all companies say the same thing will give a sense of unity and will be hard to attack one and leave one.

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    Omg poor Mika hope he can still debut.

  • All this because of their trainees are on a survival show now that k-netz took notice they’re backtracking lol. A sellout for China money just like the many Chinese idols.

    Exactly and this infuriates me but oh well what can we do. Almost every pos company and government sells out to China i guess they have literally all the money in the universe. You wonder why disgusting terrible people and regimes like Nazi stayed in power for centuries now you know why. Also they never fall peacefully they never leave through peace only war, only bloodshed gets rid of them, a terrible price we will someday to pay

  • RBW has retracted the statement. According to them it was posted by an employee without consulting the higher ups. It is a big deal tbh. Any sane company would not put out such a statement unless absolutely needed esp for a trainee, putting their established groups' future at stake. Either RBW is really RBDUMB or employee really went rogue.

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