It’s clear that Lsf is the only girl group Hybe seems to genuinely support (even if the bar is well, hell). I know illit's directly involved in this situation than lsf, but you can still clearly see how differently both groups are treated by their companies in this feud, which are obviously controlled by hybe's higher-ups.
Belift constantly throws illit under the bus. Instead of protecting the girls or redirecting criticism toward the company, they use them as scapegoats. Meanwhile, Soumu 'protects' Lsf by keeping them out of their lawsuit against Mhj despite her mentioning the group and Sakura. They could’ve used this as grounds for defamation just like Belift did and used Lsf for some sob story to gain fans support just like Belift did with illit, but they didn't. Because I know, even them know it's a stupid move and will only ruined the girls reputation more.
I feel bad for the illit girls. Unlike Nj, who have Mhj (despite of how questionable she is) and a vocal plus loyal team backing them, and well Lsf is technically a female Bts to Bsh, illit has no real support system. Like even Serian Heu just make things worse for them. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if hybe shelves them when their new girl group debuts just to blame Mhj for it because she give them “bad reputation” when it’s clear they were never meant to be a priority but a tool to reduce Njs' influence, steal a significant portion of their fanbase and clear the path for their main priorities. Hybe's main 5th-gen girl group will be the Lsf junior they're rumored to debut next year.