Lies after lies after lies…

Props to the script writer.
At least they tried but no, BSH. There was no "journey with BTS."
They did all the real work while you were doing goodness knows what.
And I thought Yama was the most narcissistic person I've encountered, how dare I.
sooner or later he is gonna piss off people that are working right under him
Nah, you're wrong.
There's no sooner or later. He already did piss people off and not just fans but those in his workplace.
Why do you think he still hasn't returned to Korea?
they'll always be a half baked bargin bin knockff dollar store special BIGBANG wannabe to me
Is anyone else legitimately annoyed as **** about this like I am? Whether you're a part of the Asian culture he's taking credit for, or the Western culture he claims credit for opening doors in, I think we can all agree he's full of shit.
The way this windbag feeds into the toxic delusions of the cultists he cultivated very intentionally is insufferable.
I'll be real.
Goku did way more for the proliferation of Asian culture than all the members of BTS and BSH squared.
K-Pop was already growing in the West well before BTS, and even if they never existed, the growth would've continued; it just would've looked different.
Goku, deathnote, one piece, sailor moon, lost boy, kdrama, ju-on and all the horror movies, crouching tiger hidden dragon oscar nomination, Bruce lee, gangnam style, Japan being literally the most visited country for west tourist, and this man talk shit about paved the Asian culture to the west.........
It's true that BTS made kpop global and took it to the height where it is now, It'd be better if they try to be more specific instead of taking credit of entire Asian culture because I remember kdramas being the actual reason behind the rising craze over Korean beauty and culture way before BTS blew up. I miss the days when BSH would just hide behind the scenes, why's he moving like MHJ after reir breakup?
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