Who is your favorite President of the United States?

  • Who is your favorite President of the United States? 10

    1. Donald Trump (3) 30%
    2. Abraham Lincoln (2) 20%
    3. Calvin Coolidge (1) 10%
    4. Franklin Roosevelt (1) 10%
    5. George W. Bush (1) 10%
    6. Barack Obama (1) 10%
    7. Joe Biden (1) 10%
    8. George Washington (0) 0%
    9. John Adams (0) 0%
    10. Thomas Jefferson (0) 0%
    11. James Madison (0) 0%
    12. James Monroe (0) 0%
    13. John Quincy Adams (0) 0%
    14. Andrew Jackson (0) 0%
    15. Martin van Buren (0) 0%
    16. William Henry Harrison (0) 0%
    17. John Tyler (0) 0%
    18. James Polk (0) 0%
    19. Zachary Taylor (0) 0%
    20. Millard Fillmore (0) 0%
    21. Franklin Pierce (0) 0%
    22. James Buchanan (0) 0%
    23. Andrew Johnson (0) 0%
    24. Ulysses Grant (0) 0%
    25. Rutherford B. Hayes (0) 0%
    26. James Garfield (0) 0%
    27. Chester Arthur (0) 0%
    28. Grover Cleveland (0) 0%
    29. Benjamin Harrison (0) 0%
    30. William McKinley (0) 0%
    31. Theodore Roosevelt (0) 0%
    32. William Howard Taft (0) 0%
    33. Woodrow Wilson (0) 0%
    34. Warren Harding (0) 0%
    35. Herbert Hoover (0) 0%
    36. Harry Truman (0) 0%
    37. Dwight Eisenhower (0) 0%
    38. John Kennedy (0) 0%
    39. Lyndon Johnson (0) 0%
    40. Richard Nixon (0) 0%
    41. Gerald Ford (0) 0%
    42. Jimmy Carter (0) 0%
    43. Ronald Reagan (0) 0%
    44. George H. W. Bush (0) 0%
    45. Bill Clinton (0) 0%

    Mine is Biden for recognizing the problem (the economy), the root cause of the problem (the COVID-19 pandemic), and taking action to solve it.

    The list of Presidents of the United States are in chronological order, and, as for Grover Cleveland and Donald Trump, they are listed only once because they are two different people.


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  • TheHeretic I wasn't expecting someone to vote for Calvin Coolidge. Why'd you choose Calvin Coolidge as your favorite president?


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  • Coolidge was the greatest small government President - a forefather to Ronald Reagan. Some "Silent Cal" quotes:

    “The people cannot look to legislation generally for success. Industry, thrift, character, are not conferred by act or resolve. Government cannot relieve from toil. It can provide no substitute for the rewards of service. It can, of course, care for the defective and recognize distinguished merit. The normal must care for themselves. Self-government means self-support.”

    “They criticize me for harping on the obvious; if all the folks in the United States would do the few simple things they know they ought to do, most of our big problems would take care of themselves.”

    “I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. This is the chief meaning of freedom. Until we can reestablish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very severe and distinct curtailment of our liberty.”

    “Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.”

    Coolidge had a reputation for keeping silent - unlike most American politicians. At a dinner party, a woman once told him "I have a bet with a friend that tonight I can get you to say more than two words." Coolidge replied, "You lose." ¬‿¬

  • It's interesting that you voted for Biden for economy since one of the reasons people who switched from democrats (Biden/Harris) to Trump was due to bad economy. But that's not surprising, your subjective opinion is that you lived better under his administration than before.

    I don't live in US and i can't talk about domestic politics because i don't live there. But regarding foreign politics; Trump is the only president in last 20 something years who didn't have a war going on during this administration. Obama killed more people than George W Bush, that really says something. I hope current conflicts get resolved during this term and people stopped dying but I'm not hopeful, way too much money in wars.

  • It's interesting that you voted for Biden for economy since one of the reasons people who switched from democrats (Biden/Harris) to Trump was due to bad economy. But that's not surprising, your subjective opinion is that you lived better under his administration than before.

    I don't live in US and i can't talk about domestic politics because i don't live there. But regarding foreign politics; Trump is the only president in last 20 something years who didn't have a war going on during this administration. Obama killed more people than George W Bush, that really says something. I hope current conflicts get resolved during this term and people stopped dying but I'm not hopeful, way too much money in wars.

    The people who switched to Trump over the economy must have the attention span of a gnat, as he successfully destroyed the economy in his first term.

    I'd like to see your data which suggests Obama got more people killed than Bush Jr., as we never would have spent 20 years fighting in the Middle east had it not been for the latter's decisions.

    Trump could potentially help bring an end to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but he's just as likely to bring an end to Ukraine itself, being the Russian tool that he is. I realize there are some amongst us who don't have a problem with that. Don't expect him to lift a finger to stop any bloodshed elsewhere. He's a narcissistic, chest-thumping warmonger at heart, as some of his recent comments have illustratred.

  • It's interesting that you voted for Biden for economy since one of the reasons people who switched from democrats (Biden/Harris) to Trump was due to bad economy. But that's not surprising, your subjective opinion is that you lived better under his administration than before.

    Everyone lived better under Biden than Trump.

    “Biden oversaw the strongest economic recovery of any G7 nation post COVID-19 and one of the strongest economic recoveries in United States history, breaking a 70-year record for low unemployment, and the creation of over 16 million new jobs, the most of any single term president.”


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    Edited 2 times, last by bethesda ().

  • Everyone lived better under Biden than Trump.

    “Biden oversaw the strongest economic recovery of any G7 nation post COVID-19 and one of the strongest economic recoveries in United States history, breaking a 70-year record for low unemployment, and the creation of over 16 million new jobs, the most of any single term president.”


    That's nonsense Democratic Party propaganda - based on faked (and later revised) statistics - as expected from Wikipedia.

    Everybody lived far better under Trump from 2017-2019 - and remembered it well. That's why voters ignored the liars and brought him back.

  • That's nonsense Democratic Party propaganda - based on faked (and later revised) statistics - as expected from Wikipedia.

    Everybody lived far better under Trump from 2017-2019 - and remembered it well. That's why voters ignored the liars and brought him back.

    Was there free bus transportation in your area?

    There was free bus transportation in my area in 2021-2023. All you needed was a face mask to enter.

    Biden was the president during the free bus transportation in my area.


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  • TheHeretic If you don't like Wikipedia and want real news, go read The Associated Press.

    The Associated Press search result.png

    Google uses The Associated Press for presidential elections as well as the House and Senate elections and ballot measures.

    In 2016, Google used The Associated Press and declared Trump the winner once The Associated Press declared him the winner.

    In 2020, Google used The Associated Press and declared Biden the winner once The Associated Press declared him the winner.

    In 2024, Google used The Associated Press and declared Trump the winner once The Associated Press declared him the winner.

    You can type in "president" on Google during any presidential election year, and Google would say "From The Associated Press (AP)" on Election Day.

    2024 POTUS election.png


    Google says "The AP has called this race"

    Google uses The Associated Press for elections in the United States because they give unbiased news (and probably also because they've been around since 1846).


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  • The Associated Press has a left-wing bias



  • And Google still uses the Associated Press for the United States presidential elections probably since 2000 (because they were founded in 1998, and the first United States presidential election after Google's foundation was George Bush vs. Al Gore)

    Google will always use The Associated Press for the American elections until they feel like changing their source of election information (which I don't think would happen)


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  • Everyone lived better under Biden than Trump.

    “Biden oversaw the strongest economic recovery of any G7 nation post COVID-19 and one of the strongest economic recoveries in United States history, breaking a 70-year record for low unemployment, and the creation of over 16 million new jobs, the most of any single term president.”

    I was certainly much better off under Trump, My grocery bills alone have doubled under Biden and energy costs such as heating and cooling the house went up 45%.

  • I was certainly much better off under Trump, My grocery bills alone have doubled under Biden and energy costs such as heating and cooling the house went up 45%.

    Look at the rest of the country. Maybe some states were better off than yours.


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  • Look at the rest of the country. Maybe some states were better off than yours.

    I really dont care about the rest of the country, and so didnt half the country when they voted, its about who is better off for me and my family. Most people think like this.. I didnt vote for either, however, as I though how is it that we are the best country in the world and the two candidates were all we could come up with? A narcissist and a dementia patient. It was sad

  • Most people think like this.. I didnt vote for either, however, as I though how is it that we are the best country in the world and the two candidates were all we could come up with? A narcissist and a dementia patient. It was sad

    Some people (like me) want the Electoral College abolished.

    The 2028 US presidential election might have the Electoral College abolished.

    Right now it's at 209/270 to make it effective.

    National Popular Vote

    A third-party candidate could win in 2028 if the popular vote elects the president.


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  • Was there free bus transportation in your area?

    There was free bus transportation in my area in 2021-2023. All you needed was a face mask to enter.

    Biden was the president during the free bus transportation in my area.

    "Free" huh? Who paid for it? Not your area. :rolleyes:

    Biden and Obama made great Santa Clauses. They should have just worn the red suits all year long.

  • "Free" huh? Who paid for it? Not your area. :rolleyes:

    Yeah it was free in my area. The reason why you don't believe me is because the free bus transportation was one of those "see-it-to-believe-it" events.


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  • Yeah it was free in my area. The reason why you don't believe me is because the free bus transportation was one of those "see-it-to-believe-it" events.

    So the drivers were volunteers who worked for free? The diesel fuel was a free donation? The bus maintenance was done for free by good-hearted mechanics on their days off?

    Tax dollars paid for this "free" service - as they always do. Politicians always take the credit for being kind with other people's money.

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