At this point. What would be a realistic punishment for Hybe?

  • I mean, I would like to see Hybe being destroy, put lets face it, that wouldn't happen while BTS is with them. According some armys, they sure own some shares of that company. For that i don't see them leaving the company, at least not in a near future. The Hybe Stans are inmoral and they're not going to demand sanctions, lol not even explanations, for the company's behavior. So, what are the chances for the people involve in this whole mess to be fired?

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    🥀 Partner in Crime🩸

  • I am, perhaps, jaded, but I think they might get a relatively small fine and a slap on the wrist.

    Public opinion will be lower for a bit. But then BTS will have a comeback and/or another HYBE group will have a big hit and people will move one and stop caring as they usually do whenever any scandal stops being newsworthy.

  • My guess is not much will happen as BTS bring in over 4 billion dollars of revenue to the country. So unless they leave my guess is the government wont be too hard on them. Sadly money is the root of all evil.


  • They need to make it illegal (with fines) for these corporations to run negative viral campaigns on others groups. Otherwise, you create an arms race with all the labels hiring people to run negative viral campaigns against everyone else, lowering the appeal of K-pop. If they run it on their own group (like NewJeans), that should be grounds for contract termination with hefty fines since that's breach of fiduciary duty.

    They need to make it so companies can't sue executives 100x and bleed them out. Every lawsuit loss should have legal fees paid by the corporation who filed the frivolous lawsuit to disincentivize using money to win. They should also stop allowing lawsuits on whistleblowers, which HYBE threatened. They need to make whistleblower protections stronger.

    They need to increase idol protections in these lopsided contracts. If the label wants to dungeon you, then the group should be able to leave. Otherwise you're holding these idols hostage for years in these iron-clad contracts, it makes no sense.

    Basically if you realize idol contracts are a special employment contract allowed by the government (similar to NBA/NFL which is a monopoly allowed by the US govt), then you realize the government actually has a lot of power in saying how these contracts should work. For the sake of growing K-pop, the government should step in and place some basic protections around these contracts.

  • punishment?

    by whom?

    1. have they committed an illegal act for the gov to step in?

    2. have they done something so reprehensible that their fans will abandon them?

    3. do their groups no longer have the earning potential and thus investors downgrade the company's earnings and thus their share price falls further?

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