I wanna see everyones coolest, most treasured, most interesting, most loved or most proud of Kpop items
Be they special edition albums, signed goods, items touched by your faves, or things with a story attached. Things that remind you of why you love Kpop or your faves. Even photos or videos that you yourself of groups/idols at concerts you went to!
My two pride and joys of my collections:
My signed poster of Rolling Quartz, from each member
And my two guitar pics from Rolling Quartz's Bass Guitarist, Arem, that she threw/handed directly to me at concerts
A Blackpink postcard, signed by Jennie
My Dreamcatcher Broken Halloween jacket, sold exclusively for the Seoul Broken Halloween show. A cool looking, way too warm for Australia jacket with a bit of a dark story too it.
This Itzy photobook. Just one of those cheap, unauthorised merch items you see at "Kpop" shops and markets the world over. But, when I went to Japan last year with some metal head mates who have no idea about kpop, or which kpop groups I actually like. I had to have a sick day in Osaka where I just bummed in the hotel all day half dead while my mates went out exploring. My boi Aidan picked this up at a kpop stall he saw. He had no idea that Itzy is one of my ult groups, he literally thought "the girls looked hot and I felt bad you missed out on a fun day". Just a simple present from a mate whose not usually a gift giver type, but means a lot cause of it all.
And I'm going to cheat a bit, cause it's not goods. It's a photo I took of Rose at the Sydney Blackpink concert last year that I just really, really love.