Some pics from Solo's press showcase. All credits to the Twitter user.
I'm just going to say it. 3rd gen visual QUEEN. I've been thinking it this whole teaser cycle. She's just been blowing me away lately again.

Article about the showcase. All credits to the website and Writer.
In the article Tzuyu says she wants to shed her cute mangnae image into a more grown and sexy image. Are we about to get our Adult Ceremony/ 24 hours moment??? I also read somewhere that she's gonna have up to 50 dancers in the video at one point. Definitely read the article though. it's not too long and it has some more pics at the site.
I am so excited for this solo. I had the short snippet on repeat and I'm ready for egg on my face, but I think this solo is gonna be kinda iconic. I'm not sure we're ready for the visuals she's about to serve.