Tips for job interviews
What field ?
best tip? Be yourself.
And when they ask you if you have any questions at the end:
"What would my role look like on a day to day basis?"
And build on their answer.
I consider myself knowledge in this arena given I’m in senior management and have a lot of experience in hiring people. I’ve also taken countless courses and seminars on resume building, interviewing, etc. Unfortunately, I have experienced job loss after a company bought out the company I was with - everyone was let go. This happened twice so I have more exp than I’d like. 😕
A very wise man gave me this tip/question to say during an interview when the timing is right and I think it helped me land a few jobs as well as some of my peers.
Ask them this question: “if you hire me and in 6 months you tell me I’m doing a great job what is it that would cause you to say that.” This question forces the interviewer to imagine you are in the job role and then they tell you what it is you are doing so well in that specific job.
I’ve literally had a hiring manager tell me his/her most important qualities that they need for a position, the issues that they were dealing with in that role, and what success looks going forward in that job. I then immediately went down their list and described in detail the skills and attributes that I bring to the table that would resolve the specific issues they mentioned. Boom! It doesn’t always work out like this, but I’ve had it pay off several times.
It’s very simple. Every hiring manager/company has a problem or need and they want to hire the person that will best solve their problems and satisfy their needs. Once you know what the real problem/need is you can tell them how you will be the answer.
Also, what selfmate said about knowing the company that you are interviewing with. It’s so important. Research research research. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve interviewed someone and asked them what they knew about our company and they had so little. Sometimes nothing. If you aren’t going to take the time to research the company you are trying to get a job with why would I think you are going to be diligent and have strong work ethic in doing research/prep for work assignments, projects, etc?
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