I just found out there are at least 150 secret unlisted videos on the NewJeans YT channel

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    I am SHOOK. Did AKP tokkis know about this already? Very, very few people have seen them, so I'm curious if any of you make up this small number.

    Just when I think the creativity and attention to detail have reached their peak with NewJeans, I find out this piece of lore almost a full year after it was released. They did not have to do something like this at all, but it is just cool they went ahead and put in this level of effort anyway. It's another example of how NJ distinguishes themselves from the crowd so effectively.

    I don't think a single member has even mentioned this in one of their Phoning streams, and I've seen/listened to 99% of them.

    Now I'm wondering what other hidden lore NewJeans has tucked away somewhere for us to discover pepe-ooh

  • YamaChwan

    Changed the title of the thread from “I just found out there are at least 150 secret unlisted videos of the NewJeans YT channel” to “I just found out there are at least 150 secret unlisted videos on the NewJeans YT channel”.
  • I checked out ban heesoo's channel again, and I'm shocked that I only noticed the video titles. Her posting the videos/clips in 1998-1999 and the final video by adult heesoo in 2023.

  • We actually already know what the videos are, if you watch the YT video I linked. I'm just shocked I'm only just finding out about their existence today.

    To explain it for those who don't feel like watching that video, there are individual member postcards included with the OMG album, with a cute message from a NewJeans member written in response to a question on the postcard.

    But there is also a QR code on each postcard. When you scan the code, it takes you to an unlisted video where the member talks about their written answer in more detail. These question topics range from winter and how they emphasize their individual charm in their songs to friendship and their hopes for 2023 (it was still 2022 when they recorded these)

    The answers are insightful, heartwarming and sometimes hilariously real, like Hanni talking about how nobody likes Mondays and she wants to just stay in bed.

    What a really creative way of bringing the fans closer to NewJeans.

  • I searched up about ban heesoo on youtube and now im confused

    It sounds like bunnies in Korean which is why its the name of the character in ditto.

    The channel is full of the video's we see hee soo recording throughout the Ditto MV's and the channel shows us the difference between what she sees (newjeans) vs what everyone else sees (nothing because she is imagining them there with her) as well as her memories as a fan (hence the dates jumping around and why they reenter the room at the end of MV2 as she becomes a fan again).

    The notes written in the video descriptions also link to the OMG MV and some of the characters they play e.g. sleeping beauty and cat.

  • Omg, I just had the realization that ban hee soo sounds like bunnies.

    Do everyone already knows this?

    yeah, this is strictly a fan theory but most tokkies agree that the pun is deliberate

    I checked out ban heesoo's channel again, and I'm shocked that I only noticed the video titles. Her posting the videos/clips in 1998-1999 and the final video by adult heesoo in 2023.

    i think that final grown-up heesoo video coincides with the release of OMG too

    Lollapalooza also did a cheeky reference to Heesoo seeing them perform at Lolla haha

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    Ban Heesoo 20231219

    She's back !

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