Am I the only one that think Yg test the water first but then realised they can't survive without Bp?

  • No y'all dumb if you think a debut that happened a week ago was the catalyst for a multi million dollar contract that’s been in discussion for months

    Like use your brain pls

    Who knows, but that sounds exactly like how businesses work. Not only in the entertainment industry but also in other kinds of businesses. They will always test the waters first before the final meeting to conclude decisions on whether it's worth it for them to fulfill the entirety of one side's request, or perhaps just a quarter or half of it, taking into account the associated risks for the future. In a business perspective, the process of where organizations assess and test various aspects before making final decisions, is often referred to as "due diligence." Out of everything, their newer action seal the deal and obviously become one the catalyst too in this situation. Logically, they can agree to whatever the girls want since the beginning but only after now?

    Like, use your brain, please???

  • from this thread, it seems like many people dont really work in the FS industry and have no idea how contract nego works. In contract nego, it all boiled down to the bargaining power.

    YG obivously wanted to reduce the pinks' bargaining power by debuting Baemon first and test water to see whether Baemon can hit it big on the get go. Unfortunately they didnt, and hence YG has even less bargaining chips on their table. This is also one of the reason why Baemon debut was rushed despite Ahyeon hiatus.

    The Pinks themselves are likely playing mindset game too. I seriously doubt any of them sincerely want to leave BP as group. Most of the time,having that BP label attached to them is much more beneficial than going entirely solo. There is a HUGE difference between the route.

    Moreover, over the past months you had heard a lot of rumors about them leaving YG but most of those are hearsay and no 3rd party actually confirmed. Especially Lisa which has many rumors of western companies trying to sign her. Anyway, the Girls won in the end. Im sure they have gotten themselves very good deal staying as BP in YG

  • If people are still unaware of YGE's replacement methodology then they're just a glutton for punishment. That is exactly what happened and that is exactly why YGE decided to cave in to whatever it was Lisa wanted that they were being difficult in issuing unto her. I applaud her for it because YGE is about their business and don't give two fish sticks about who's feelings are hurt or if they took an empathetic route or not. The girls need to move as cold and as hard as YGE does for themselves. Get your worth ladies!!! Don't let YGE play you!! Leverage yourselves into better standings and payouts while you can. Strike while the iron is hot!

  • If people are still unaware of YGE's replacement methodology then they're just a glutton for punishment. That is exactly what happened and that is exactly why YGE decided to cave in to whatever it was Lisa wanted that they were being difficult in issuing unto her. I applaud her for it because YGE is about their business and don't give two fish sticks about who's feelings are hurt or if they took an empathetic route or not. The girls need to move as cold and as hard as YGE does for themselves. Get your worth ladies!!! Don't let YGE play you!! Leverage yourselves into better standings and payouts while you can. Strike while the iron is hot!


  • imo they were waiting to see if Baemon debut would take off but since it tanked everywhere and is only bringing negative press they decided to serve desperation and give BP anything they want

    I always thought having group contract with company yet leaving for their solo endeavors was the most likely possibility

    I mean they didnt even try with BM if they promoted the song maybe it does something.

  • I still think that more than individual solo releases

    it's all more about option to use their stage names or instagram names as 'brand names' for example clothing/outfit company, jewelry company, perfume company, etc.

    and don't need to share any penny with YG, it's like:

    "we here in YG but hold on bastards you can only get money from our ticket sales, and album sales, but nothing more than that"

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