Isn't Karina SM's Most Talented Center

  • oh ok cool ill definitely watch it !!

  • In my opinion it is still Yoona.

    She is the quintessential Kpop Center.

    Yoona originated the official designation.

    Though Eugene of SES called herself the "center visual" previously, Yoona was the idol that the "position" and role solidified around. The "center" position as kpop fans know it today, i.e. the visual and representative idol center the group revolves around and showcases not only in performance but also in group promotions and activities, photoshoots, etc. That embodies the group concept standard in everything from visual to performative ability to demeanor and vibe, and is designated as such by the company, press, and in an official manner.

    That came to be in an official way by way of Yoona.

    She is the original center.

    And in my opinion, still the greatest center kpop has ever known, given her multi talented performative ability (for Yoona especially her dancing ability), charm and personal charisma, her position as the heart of the legendary group of SNSD, and the fact she additional embodied the "face of the group" as well as "visual" position all at the same time. Further extending herself as an all encompassing multi-discipline idol entertainment figure who excelled in everything from the proper group endeavors to acting, hosting, CF work, solo endeavors, public recognition and stature.

    Yoona is the quintessential Kpop "center". The standard to which all that came after are held.

    Edited once, last by emanresu ().

  • I’m so curious about who the second girl is :eyes:

    he's probably gonna answer Minju because till this days he's still stuck in 2020 when izone was active and he still believed that she would be the futur 4th gen it girl

    Minju was already third center in Izone and taking up lots of attention from Sakura and Wonyoung. Maybe that's why those two were the most ready to move on from Izone lol.

    But no, she is not who i have in mind as the second challenger to Wonyoung's crown.

    This is the darkhorse contender...


  • Finally some sense from you :lovec:



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