The best part was .. seeing Twice ? I mean it sounds lame ig but it has legit been one of my few dreams for a while now so.. I also got to experience Twice music in a whole different way (on another dimension?), I really should stop using cheap earphones lol. I should invest in better stuff, find myself a pair of expensive headphones or idk (again there was a live band so that changes the experience too of course)
The worst part was
Dahyun saying rightfully bonsoir instead of booonjouuuurrrsomething really silly that I didn't know, but it was really hot that day so I brought a bottle of water and there is some rule that says you cannot keep the cap but can keep the bottle.. so I was like.. ok, drank it quickly to get my hands free since I couldn't put it back in my bag nor enjoy the concert with it but was bothered for a bit because it was really hot (but after the concert started I forgot about it til the end. Except when Twice reminded us to drink a lot). There's nothing else that I can think as negative ! Just this silly detail. It's weird I somehow could bypass this before but I'll think of a way to outsmart this next time
interesting - thank you for describing your experience my friend
and if you could would you go back and experience it (twice concert) again? what would you change in terms of seating or ticketing or whatever?