• AVvXsEjdjT076UpTABY2J5KS6IkSqY-ExOJThOPmUkdLhYixEAjN6Sh0DRmsKTVjRX-xsEBeZxqk-rGy9FuuljB5v4UZIyOBymb5BcVfQ_E0P0UMoResE7MDCChfKt7SfLhwytKO9PYK37i7_FcCgZPdYMsda2XI9InwSHLcokpZgz7ZJo513paw335o2NpLghI=w640-h637

    Fifty Fifty's company ATTRAKT is making a new girl group project

    The group was discarded even more thoroughly

    post response:
    original post: here

    1. [+457, -2]

    They will probably be even more successful now since they were able to bring C-tier kids to Billboard with their mid-sized company strengthㅋㅋ (by the way, Cupid was chosen by CEO Jeon and An Sung Il didn't participate in the producing at all. It was a song written by a Swedish student)

    2. [+365, -1]

    You just need to release something! I'll be listening to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. [+327, -2]

    Are they gonna make a survival project? I feel like it will create a buzz

    4. [+240, -1]

    I support you!!!

    5. [+184, -1]

    Wow this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • We already have a thread for this.

  • Whatever

    Jeon basically sold his ricketty company to a Singaporean guy who put in $8.5 mil

    Warner offered $17 million

    After the debt how much will Jeon collect? Is he that stupid enough to believe that he can collect from the FF girls?

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