Both Korean pop and Korean dramas have gotten too big for my taste.
Everything is too slick. Too put together. Too big of budgets. Too much polish. Too global.
I miss when kpop was smaller and more niche Asia. I miss when it really felt like a "different world". Not integrated seamlessly into the international music scene and its ubiquity.
I miss when it overall felt less refined. More amateurish or small time in a way.
In Kdramas.. I miss when they were closer to their "Korean soaps" roots. Not so big and international and auteur. Not so slick and high budget and Korean Hollywood like.
I think both Kpop and Kdrama have lost a certain charm in the transition to larger international and Western exposure.
Global expansion and growth is the central motivation of Hallyu Proper. So in a sense I am arguing against its entire purpose.
It's the confounding conundrum as I see it.
Like a small local store that often loses something when they expand and grow to become a powerhouse national or multinational chain.
You can't at once be the big player while hanging on to that smaller ethos.
You have to shed one to become the other.
I'm not going anywhere. I still love this world too much despite my misgivings.
Just the musings of an old fan. Who often yearns for older times. And that older feeling.