The ones who will lose the most in Fifty Fifty is Keena and Saena after all of this is done. Aran and Sio has the option to just go to the US and never look back.

  • After hearing the Barbie soundtrack snippet it seems like Aran and Sio got the most lines again, which makes sense since they're the main and lead vocals, with Kali taking the rap role, it seems like the two other members were left on the harmonization and backing vocals role. But that itself is the implication moving forward, if they were to become an English songs only group and heavily promote in the West, Saena and Keena has little to no role i.e. if you are a Western label why bother getting all of them when you can only get the relevant members. case in point Keene and Saena weren't part of Cupid English version.

    Assuming they will really get cancelled hard in South Korea, There's an odd chance that an American label will be interested to pick Sio and Aran only. Then re-debut them as a two member vocal group like akin to ABBA, I know ABBA has more members but you get the point, they have Cupid(Twin Version) under their belt and with the Barbie OST they even got more exposure, a lot of Western producers know their voices now. I mean name any other idols who has an English song that was able to reach the top charts of major Western countries like the US and the UK and stayed/still staying there for weeks that was primarily driven by the Western GP in their resume?

    And in case you don't know those two has been covering a lot of English songs. lol

    Sio - God is a woman(Ariana Grande)

    Sio - I love you 3000(Stephanie Poetri)

    Sio - Confetti(Tori Kelly)

    Aran - Just the two of us(Bill Withers)

    Aran - Day 1(Honne)

    Like Bro that's a lot of additional demos for interested Western labels...

    On personal relationship side, if you followed Fifty Fifty, Aran and Sio are the closest and they even apparently share the same room in their dorm. So they don't have any problem on that front either. And for their current controversy? No one gives an f about that specific issue in the Western market. That's not even controversial when viewed through the Western lens.

  • Sio's voice is amazingly stable and Aran has a warm vocal color that's unique that people love. They really work well together. The one thing I hope for them as a group is with the same speed that they broke all those western chart records, that they're able to speed run through the legal process as well and get freed from out their contracts.

  • The US is not checking for Aran and Sio. Trust me, it’ll be 100x harder for any of them to make a career in the US.

    But a lot easier than re-starting in South Korea again, I'm speaking purely in context of Fifty Fifty, if things stay the same as of right now. And they don't need to be checked by 'America' but only a small chunk of it, The US and in the larger context, the English music market has enough wiggle room to thrive by just filling a niche, I mean for example Joji and Nikki from 88rising aren't exactly breaking records left and right but has something going with them to make a career out of it.

  • There is a reason that Saena was named the leader.

    Everyone thought Bol4 would do better if it cut Woo Jiyoon.

    And actually Ahn Jiyoung, by herself, didn't do as well as before when Woo Jiyoon was there. Woo Jiyoon was the anchor which held Ahn Jiyoung, and when it was gone Jiyoung just drifted away. (Yoo Inna served a similar role to Lee Jieun, although Inna is not a singer.)

    It seems that Saena serves as the 'anchor' of the group, and there is something on her which most people do not see but important for the group.

    after all these shit from Jeon and the Korean media, I think their bond actually became quite stronger. They realized they had no one to trust other than the members themselves.

  • Apparently the bond between K&S and the other two seem to be strong enough that all 4 had their parents registering the trademarks.

    That's an interesting counterpoint, an even messier version of this situation would be just 1 or 2 of them filing for the suspension of their exclusive contract and stuff but instead they all went in together and now facing this mess as a group. lol

  • That's an interesting counterpoint, an even messier version of this situation would be just 1 or 2 of them filing for the suspension of their exclusive contract and stuff but instead they all went in together and now facing this mess as a group. lol

    If that was that way they would have ended this matter by cutting off that one member, but since all 4 are in there, there is no cutting

    Learned from the Kara crisis when Goo Hara turning towards the company led to the end of the revolt . They made sure everyone was in together.

  • The good thing about the US music market is that it is ginormous, orders of magnitude bigger than Korea. Bad news is that it's difficult af to make money via fractional pennies you get for streams and no one buys CDs here. Plus local contracts are no different than Korea's slave contracts, Kpop labels are small potatoes and nothing compared to the real predators of the music industry (UMG, Warner, Sony).

  • Honestly even in fifth harmony's peak most people knew the group but didn't know the members or at best they could name Camila or perhaps normani .

    I doubt any non K-pop fans in the us knows any member from fifty fifty . Aran and sio now aren't in a better situation than the other two

  • Honestly even in fifth harmony's peak most people knew the group but didn't know the members or at best they could name Camila or perhaps normani .

    I doubt any non K-pop fans in the us knows any member from fifty fifty . Aran and sio now aren't in a better situation than the other two

    Because that's kinda the norm in the US? Unless you reach household level like Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga most people will only know your few songs and maybe you will have a small dedocated following, hell Country Music is a big corner of the US music scene but a lot of Americans hardly know artists in that genre, US and Western music market is just so big one can fill a small pocket of it and try to have a shot at it.

    I mean better in a sense that they have a market to still perform in where they are not viewed as national traitors or something lol, I'm not saying they're gonna succeed in the US either but it is an option for them. The other two is kinda screwed unless they can sound natural singing in English.

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