can you recommend me some anime?
I would recommend
Diamond no Ace
Ao Ashi
both have main characters which are talented in different sports but kind of lacking the technical knowledge about it, and because they are in teams it creates many funny situations and scenes
Ooooh, I didn't expect to be recommended to a sports anime
But it did fit the criteria I was looking for. I'll try both, thanks for the recommendation
Noragami is a game changer: good animations and soundtrack, the plot is also interesting. It is not isekai but a story that fits a slice of life setting with many fantasy elements that take from japanese traditions. You can easily find it on Netflix in most countries
Another one is Inuyasha; I love older animes because they were hand drawn and I just love their aesthetic, and I guess it kinda counts as an isekai because the protagonist enters in a different world everytime. the main cast is great, but It's an older anime and so it was meant for TV consumption, it has many filler episodes and it is very long so I would't watch it all. I usually just watch some episodes when I want to in my free time because the anime is very charming and it stands the test of time.
other anime series that are very good an that I recommend to everyboy are: Neon genesis Evangelion, Ping Pong the animation, Cowboy bebop, Paranoia agent, GTO and many more
some non-Ghibli animated movies I liked: Akira (obv), Perfect blue (it is about the idol industry in japan), Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers, Paprika, Ghost in the shell, The castle of cagliostro (It is a Miyazaki movie, but it is not part of the Ghibli period)
Especially in the west, people only think about Miyazaki when speaking about the studio Ghibli, but Isao Takahata was just as great as him as a director and so, his work is a bit underrated in the west: "Grave of the Fireflies" is a movie everyone should watch in their lifetime, It's the best movie made about the 2nd WW, or at least in the top 2 with "Rome open city". It's a neorealist movie and it is special because Takahata himself was alive during the war and he protrayed it well
Well recently i watched
Black clover
Eden zero (from the same author than fairy tale)
Seven deadly sins
Chainsaw man
But all these anime are pretty popular i think
Then i mostly watched BL anime so i don't think it fits you
But i also watch an anime call Asobi Asobase
It's nothing serious, it's just about a "game" club of 3 friends
And each episode they are just doing different games
But tbh i never find anime funny because i don't get japanese Humour but this anime almost killed me, just because of the face that the characters were making and the different situation
Not sure tho what I should exactly recomend here so hm
Try these:
And you thought there is never a girl online?
Hideki plays an online game where he joins a guild with some people. He belives that all the characters are played by dudes, which he belives in after his in-game offer to get married on the video game was declined by a female looking character when the person behind it opend up to be a man. Hideki feels bad and starts to wonder why girls don't enjoy video games. But it will change. Oneday his guild member decide to meet up in real life and all of a suddon all other member of his guild are girls from his high school.
Later on they decide to form a club at school where they meet in the computer room to play the online game together. However it begins to become very stressfull when a girl called Ako decides to get married to Hideki's character in the video game and is turning unable to differentiate between reality and the video game so she starts to emberase Hideki in real life.
The Devil is a part timer
On a planet far away from earth there is Emilia Justina. She was chosen to free her planet from Satan. However oneday in a fight against the pure devil himself a portal opens and drags her, Satan and his servant in and they land in Tokyo.
However finding out they realise that they all changed their bodys and are looking like normal humans now and also can't use their magic powers anymore. Emilia Justina is not sure about the whole situation but starts off a new life as Emi Yusa in Tokyo working at a call center. But when she spotet Satan, who is now going by the name of Sadao Maou and his servent who is now going by the name of Ashiya she tries to keep an eye on them. She also has a deal ongoing with Lucifer, who is going by the name of Hanzo Urushihara, to defeat Satan.
Meanwhile Satan starts a new life in Tokyo where he begins to work at McDonalds and decides over time that he likes his new life more than being Satan.
full metal alchemist brotherhood is a must watch
Ghost in the shell: Arise and SAC, SAC 2nd gig as well.
people recommending whatever the fuck they want without reading the criteria lmao
Hunter X Hunter, Death Note, Berserk, Bleach, and of the newer ones: Record of Ragnarok
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