Are there words that confuse you cause they don't exist in a dictionary or cause it's weird slang or cause people allways misspell them in your language?
For me there are some words in German
- Tu -> many people misspell it as "tuh" or "tue" (Tu means "doing")
- Zue -> "Because this dosn't seems to exist in the official dictionary and so it sounds a bit weird when someone uses the word. Example when you want to mention you have "closed shoes" like sneakers or boots (no sandals or flip flops) than they tend to write "zue Schuhe" and I know for sure that this is just another way to say "zu" cause "zu" is just weird to say in this context. Same goes to a similiar word "zuer" as like in "zuer Schuhe" (closed shoe)
How about you're language?