In December my insurance did not give me the informations on how much money I need to pay and I also had no papers in wich I could find the insurance's bankdetails so I thought they would be getting the money I need to pay from my bankaccount since they know my bankdetails. However it was not like that.
Yesterday I got a letter for the next payment and luckly it has the bankdetails and the money I need to pay written on the letter, but it read I ow them the money from December. I called them and asked about it but the woman on the phone was nice and said they will fix it so the next months will be possibly done via them taking it from my bankaccount directly.
However I got now a letter in the mail that I got a warning-letter earlier this month in wich they asked me to pay for December or else they will force a lawer ... the lawer costs probably 3 times as much as money I need to pay to the insurance -.- how stupid ... I didn't even got the letter in the mail till today but it reads I need to pay to them before the 11th or else they really call the lawer over 15 bucks that I need to pay
Than I saw a new letter in the mail today that reads "since you did not pay the first warning and also need to pay for the next months we ask you to pay till the 11th or else we make you pay for a lawer and the court" ... bruh they getting pretty salty about 15 bucks and its their own fault that they did not put the letter in that said what I need to pay and to what bankaccount ...
This is one reason why being an adult sucks ass, in my stupid country not all of the damn shitty bills are payed automaticly just cause you told them your bank-details and it sucks... why the fuck do they even want your bank-details when they do not automaticly take the money from you but preffer to wait till you payed and than in the worst case threaten you like that?
jesus insurances are so -.-
At least it is a very low amount I need to pay to them because else I would go crazy here since I do not have money to trow around as if I would take the most expensive insurance or whatever ...
Some companies btw automaticly take the money from you but they also sometimes clearly tell you about it so you are save but those who let you stay in the dark and not even adress there might be such a option are ... and thats why I thought giving them my bankdetails allready would've been enough but apparently no -.-
Kids, if you grow up pls try to pay your fucking bills or call and ask as much as you can before you run into getting chased by someone's lawyer