My review for GIRLS RE:VERSE, "Metaverse Idols could be so much fun?"

  • So I've been watching the first 2 episode of Girls Re:verse, a survival show of several virtual idols created by real idols. And just like any survival show, those virtual idols would get eliminated and the survivor would get a debut as a group.

    Untill that point, the premise is not enticing enough for me but I'll give it a try.

    And turns out, this show could hold my ass for 2 hour watching it. There are so much fun and witty banters thrown out by the participants. And by using a new virtual identity, they can becoming a bit more unrestrained because they can dissing the others, saying curse words or flipping their middle finger ^^^^^^

    That alone could compensate the lack of expression from these idols because seems like our technology aren't that advanced yet to mimic a real human's. (Even tho some of them really good at facial expressions that their avatar could showing a good one)

    Bartkun had recommended me the way to watch this show, which is watching the show and opening a list of the real idol's name with their virtual one.

    But I don't do that, and I got another awesome experience!

    Because I don't even know which one is which (only knowing 2 out of 30 idols), I'm watching them as it is. Following their virtual persona that they wanted to show to the audience.

    And some of them using this chance to show other persona that they wanted to show to people. Some of them seems can't expressing it in their real life. There are also an old idol (idk maybe 2nd gen or early 3rd gen?) That are showing a persona of a newly debuted rookie, living and feeling young again...

    It's becoming their catharsis.

    Also, by not knowing their real identity, I got no bias towards their vocals because Idk what kind of vocal prowess that they had before they performing. It's all a surprise and I love it.

    Overall it's 9/10 for me.

    Maybe the only thing that I found not enjoyable are the dance. But it's understandable because a virtual 3d model is not advanced yet as a real human's body.

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