Is your online identity important to you?

  • Be it on here or anywhere on the internet. Do you take the bad parts like assumptions, slandering, accusations or anything to heart? Or get attached to the good stuff like cool friends you meet or sharing the memes or threads you make with other people on here? I'm pretty sure we've all experienced varying emotions through our online entities and most of our gen is on the internet so it's kinda the norm...


  • People (not on this website, other platforms) always be assuming that my life is just like theirs like we are the same person, no beitch you don’t even know what my life is like so idk why you write all that shat about me and assume this shat about me when you don’t even know me, tf is wrong with you. Idk about you but the lifestyle I live ain’t common for everyone, so if people would stop acting like they know me and they know how I live, that would be great, so don’t ya’ll musty crusty dusty rats be assuming how I live bcuz I already know that ain’t nobody will be right

    “Welcome to good burger, home of the good burger, can I take your order?”

  • Hmm, the current me doesn't put to much importance on my internet identity. I prefer to watch things from afar and randomly comment on things sometimes since it helps me to stay connected with my passions and hobbies.

    Some years ago, maybe. I met some great people on the internet and I even succeeded in meeting some of my online friends in real life. I miss those times tbh. :(

  • I feel more accepted online than I do irl. Its a place where I can be fully out and people won’t judge me. I have made a group of amazing friends who support me from forums. I never thought I’d have people who cared about me like this. I’m so thankful for all my forum friends.

    I have had a fair amount of forum drama surrounding me. I don’t sweat the small stuff but I have had some awful accusations like me apparently taking advantage of people and taking advantage of a higher position, even getting a doc written about me on the old forums. Of course I took that to heart because people were trying to tear down what I worked hard for, and even worse was the people who believed it without asking me. And as of recently I’ve had people from a certian fandom call me a fake fan, which I ignored, until it went onto calling me a psychopath and insulting people I’m friends with. Hurt me all you want, I can take it, but hurt my friends, thats where the line is buddy. So in turn, I don’t care about the petty things, it’s only the full blown attacks.

  • I need to delete my tiktok account fought with too many Kboos, Kpoopies, Racists, Islamophobes, Xenophobes and just about every other -phobe. Not that I’m wronf, I just have TOO MANY creative...insults. And I argue for eternity too, like A person will have 5 comments and in an hour I boosted them to 150.

    Twitter....I have a Iland K fanpage but it’s nothing bad, fight Anti-K haters plus I have no info on their.

    Instagram gotta go, I argue with my real profile and family and school etc sitting their, my real insta with my family photos and vacations etc

    Also My pinterest lord....


    But it got no personal info

  • Yes, I am a private person but also a sensitive one. I do take things to heart irl as well as online. If somebody attacks my opinion I get quite offended especially on the old forum, I end up putting that person on ignore, they’re not worth it. I think how dare they but think they’re just kids who don’t know what they’re talking about.

    The thing I can bring to this place being a person in my 50’s is age, maturity, wisdom and life experience. I’ve been around for half a century so know what’s what. I’ve also been a parent for 18 years. These youngsters would be good to think of that and treat me with a bit of respect.

  • The only thing that affects my life (either online or offline) is politics, hence I've been avoiding using social media due to how my country has been handled during this pandemic because a political decision doesn't affect only a single person and that really weighs on me.

    But yeah I don't care about kpop drama at all.

  • Sometimes but not really. I get over things quickly. To be honest I just block people I dont want to engage with and I *try* to be nice. Also sometimes it is funny to mess with someone who get offended easily but its probably not right to do :pepe-excited:

    but I dont really care about people's opinions of me online, I just do what makes me happy.

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