Do you prefer single-player games or multiplayer games?
Depends on the game and my mood.
Most of all, I prefer single-player games. For me, the uniqueness of single-player games is in the presence of the story and characters and not the impersonal protagonist.
Most of all, I prefer single-player games. For me, the uniqueness of single-player games is in the presence of the story and characters and not the impersonal protagonist.
What do you think is unique in multiplayer games?
On the whole, I prefer single player games. There are multi-player games I enjoy like Splatoon, but I like being able to go at my own pace without anyone else criticizing me for not doing X or going about Y the "wrong" way. I can play when I want, how I want, without having to coordinate schedules with anyone else. Plus, a lot of my favorite genres of games (JRPGs, life/farm/management sims) are single player as kind of by default.
Single player.
I like being able to go at my own pace without anyone else criticizing me for not doing X or going about Y the "wrong" way. I can play when I want, how I want, without having to coordinate schedules with anyone else.
Exactly. One of the best things about single-player games is that no one can complain about you not doing something.
it really depends on the type of game, i'm a really big fan of games such as life is strange or detroit: become human, and those i'd rather play by myself but almost all other games i'd rather play with a friend
both if i can but if not the single
I prefer single player games. I'm not really competative and play games mainly to relax and have some fun, so I like leaning back on the couch and emerse in a different world. I love games with deep stories, complex characters and big worlds, but also relaxing games without a clear "win" or "end".
Although I like playing a multi-player music game with a few friends or siblings and there's one online game I play, but never alone, only with my premades.
Single player since I like to not feel pressure when I play
I prefer single-player.
Single player.
I'm preferring immersion, which are usually exist in many single player games.
but some times, a two-player games are also fun
usually a multiplayer games are leaning towards competition, and while I do love a raid boss event or to some extent, love PvP duel, if the games itself leaning too much on competition then I'll drop it, or just playing the games like I played a single player games
I like both but the multiplayer games online are very addictive and I enjoy a lot playing those games for hours.
I like both but the multiplayer games online are very addictive and I enjoy a lot playing those games for hours.
I feel you, but with Wizard101. One day for me can be HOURS with playing Wizard101!
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